ace310j said:What condition is your sharpedo Ex in?
bLAze187 said:CML for Charizard G Lv. X please.
Steelix_Kid said:Rocket's Hitmonchan - Gym heroes 11, 1st edition, LV. 29, #107, 11/132
Dark Golbat - Team rocket 7, 1st edition, LV. 25, #42, 7/82
Raichu - Fossil, 1st edition, LV. 45, #26, 14/62
Machamp - Base set, 1st edition, LV. 67, #68, 8/102
bLAze187 said:I have two 1st edition Machamps if you want both and drop one of the others? If not, I think I can do that deal.What do you think?
Steelix_Kid said:deal pm me
bLAze187 said:Deal, as in I can drop one of the cards and add the second 1st edition Machamp? Or deal, as in I have to make that deal anyways? lol All good man...
bLAze187 said:Alright man, no problem. I don't know how were gonna work this out though, we both have no rep as of right now. You are now my third active deal/trade, so what can we do, or what can we agree upon?
Steelix_Kid said:i guess send at the same time
thats what have had to do.We both send at the same time lolbLAze187 said:Is there a way we can both have proof of it being sent at the same time? I don't think there is...this is an awkward situation now lol. My other two active trades/deals both have rep, so I had to send first to both of them.
bLAze187 said:Well, when are you sending it? Is there any way we can get a middleman to help us with this trade? It's not that I don't trust you, it's just I would feel more comfortable for us both to send our cards to a middleman and have him mail them back to us. (EDIT) I am going to postpone this active trade/deal until one of us gets at least +1 rep or until we find a moderator willing to help us out.
Gardegon said:my: Gardevoir X
Your:Flygon RR and 1 Spiritomb AR
bLAze187 said:Have you talked to any moderators yet? If not, I sent out some cards to two people yesterday, so I should be gettin some rep soon.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:CML for Gatr prime, and if they're delta, Latios and Rayquaza EX.