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H: FLYGON X, UXIE X, X2 Cressy X, Dialga G X, Sally X, Arceus X, Glace X, X2 Landmin X, Chomp X

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RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

I have flygon lv. x. What would you be willing to trade?
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Edlittle said:
I have flygon lv. x. What would you be willing to trade?

yes icwould, please make me an offer :)
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

can you cml for the 7-11 arceus deckbox or did yo not see anything?
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
can you cml for the 7-11 arceus deckbox or did yo not see anything?

i dont have a arceus deckbox, never have, sorry, but i pm'ed you yesterday about our trade
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
can you cml for machamp x.
Didn't see much, but feel free to offer :)
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
emoto did you check your pm?
Yes i did, and i pm'ed you back
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

eevee said:
No,that is all I need right now.

oh okay, well let me know if you see anything you like
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

BUmp bump bump 1
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Bump bump 2
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

PokeKid Brandon said:
Can you CML for landmin?

Well i am semi interested in these
1 Gallade 4 Lv.X
1 Floatzel Gl Lv.X
1 Magnezone Lv.X
1 Porygon Z Lv.X
but not really interested in them
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

I could do zone and porygon for the shaymin. LMK or counter BTW floatzel is gone
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

PokeKid Brandon said:
I could do zone and porygon for the shaymin. LMK or counter BTW floatzel is gone

oh, dang it, floatzel was probably my main want on the list
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

CML for 1x Call Energy.
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Dichromate said:
CML for 1x Call Energy.

didnt see much, but feel free to offer :)
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

emoto4444 said:
didnt see much, but feel free to offer :)
Hm, Level Max, Pachirisu GE (RH), and maybe something else of your choosing for your Call Energy? The only thing I have off your wants is the Lv. Max, so I dunno. But I do want that call energy :)
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more!

Dichromate said:
Hm, Level Max, Pachirisu GE (RH), and maybe something else of your choosing for your Call Energy? The only thing I have off your wants is the Lv. Max, so I dunno. But I do want that call energy :)

Well i am about to take off the level max, and i will see if i need a pachirrisu, k :)
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Garchomp X, Mismagius X, Giratina X, and much more!

Alright, if you just want a bunch of assorted rares from my thread, LMK. If you don't need the Level Max then I could probably offer Pachirisu (which is decently valuable) and two or three other cards of your choosing, for the Call.
RE: emoto's trade thread H: Garchomp X, Mismagius X, Giratina X, and much more!

Dichromate said:
Alright, if you just want a bunch of assorted rares from my thread, LMK. If you don't need the Level Max then I could probably offer Pachirisu (which is decently valuable) and two or three other cards of your choosing, for the Call.

well all i really saw was the pachirisu, do you have any non tin lv. x's???
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