RE: emoto's trade thread H: Garchomp X, Mismagius X, Giratina X, and much more!
my: charizard G Lv.X
UR: mismagius GL LV.X and mismagius GL
my: charizard G Lv.X
UR: mismagius GL LV.X and mismagius GL
I've got the Staraptor FB Lv. X. I could do that and Pachirisu for the Call Energy, RR Nidoqueen, and possibly something else. Or do you need staples of any sort? I've got an extra unlisted Warp Point, or I might be able to undeck a Poke Turn or an Energy Gain or something in tandem with the Pachirisu for the Call.emoto4444 said:well all I really saw was the pachirisu, do you have any non tin lv. x's?
Dichromate said:I've got the Staraptor FB Lv. X. I could do that and Pachirisu for the Call Energy, RR Nidoqueen, and possibly something else. Or do you need staples of any sort? I've got an extra unlisted Warp Point, or I might be able to undeck a Poke Turn or an Energy Gain or something in tandem with the Pachirisu for the Call.
Edit: Actually, I can also offer Luxray GL + a Trainer for the Call, if you're interested in that.
But if there's really nothing you're interested in, I'm not gonna force you to tradeThanks for your time!
captain.mongoose said:Could you CML for Garchomp lvl X?
captain.mongoose said:I'd trade the Dialga G for it, straight up. Maybe with a candy?
emoto4444 said:hhhmmmm, this is a very tempting offer, tomorrow could you post this again, I just need some time to think about it, because I just recently decked the garchomp x, but this is a really good deal
Oh okay, and thank you for giving me some time to think about itcaptain.mongoose said:Alright. I usually base how much X's are worth depending on what they do, so a Garchomp X is way more valuable to me than Dialga G. I never play him anymore, and I'm making a Garchomp deck, (Chomp X and Chomp C X). I need two Chomp X's, and have none.I'll post again tomorrow, then. Thanks much!
captain.mongoose said:Okay, it is tomorrow, and I am posting.LMK, s'il vouz plait.
emoto4444 said:okay, sorry, but I don't think I can trade it, I added it into my deck a few days ago, and it has been a really good addition to my deck, sorry, was there anything else I could trade?? or anything your interested?
oh okay, thats finecaptain.mongoose said:Nah, just the Garchomp lvl X... sorry.
Dichromate said:I think I could do that. Any chance you could throw in an SP Radar? No pressure though.
Anyway, I'll PM you the final details.
umgriz said:CML for Flygon Lv. X please. Thanks
richkid50000 said:CML for Flygon X