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H: Kingdra, Gengar, Mew, Machamp, Shaymin RH, 4x Rare Candy RH, MORE W: 2x Yanmega

RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

would you trade magnezone prime for entei/suicune legend top?
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

No, I am not interested in any UL pieces right now.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Steelix Prime

2x Rare Candy UL
x1 Warp Point
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Could you formulate a larger trade, I am kinda looking for some larger trades at this time.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

cml for vileplume UD x2
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Read Rule 14.
DO you have any of my wants?
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

do you have any of my RH deck want?? It says to ask if you don't see something.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

I'm interested in Gengar Prime if you have any.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

RH Expert Belt
RH Energy Exchanger

PDL Bottom?
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Hey Ty. I was wondering if you could do:

Infernape 4 Lv.X
Infernape 4 Rev
1 Donphan Prime


Let me know if this work for you.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Bump if anyone is still interested
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

Have 2x Grass holo (2 dif sets)
and those were your only RH wants I had.
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

hey man offer on expert belts? i need suppeeerrr badd!!
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

CML for dialga g x, garchomp c x and donphan prime also cyrus
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

I want 1 Torterra UL. I have 1x Dodrio UD RH. PM if interested
RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

hey i really need expert belts and moomoo milks so cml for

2 expert belts
3 moomoo milks

RE: H: DGX, Triumphant (Magnezone, Rescue En, lots)! W: Deck Wants and General Wants.

i have:
4x donphan primes
legend pieces (see my thread)

interested in your:
Dialga G Lv. X
Tyranitar ex 17/17 (if its non holo MINT)
any aquapolis holos

lmk and see my thread for more of my wants and haves, thx