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[H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Update. Tropical Beach is gone (so now probably no one will visit this thread).
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Unfortunately, I have to cancel for the moment. Went to a BR and realized how awful my deck was, so traded the rh pachi towards a yanmega prime, and need the Kingdra for YKJ... Have SEL full(nm) if you are interested, as well as Magnezone prime(nm), Lanturn prime(nm) and rh trainers if you are interested.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Is the Zekrom FA or Rare Holo? If it's the latter, how many reverse holos would you want for it? I have them from both BW and EP, just specify which you want.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

@THE_LORD_Of_RANGERS: Well, that kinda sucks for me, but maybe there's still something we can do. What kind of RH trainer do you have?

@Bloop: Rare Holo. And, to be honest, depends on what kind of RH's would it be. Make some kind of offer and we'll see.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

I know, I'm really sorry... Lets see,
Communication x2 (bw)
Pokeball x3 (DP, BW, and CG{played})
Twins (TR)
Fisherman (hgss)
Research record(COL)
Pokedex (bw{played})
Energy Retrieval x2 (bw)

All are nm except for the Crystal Guardians Pokeball (creased in corner) and pokedex (small crease in side. I may be able to pm pics, but I'm not sure. I would also be interested in any Recycle (bw) and any catchers (lol obviously).
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Avalarion said:
@THE_LORD_Of_RANGERS: Well, that kinda sucks for me, but maybe there's still something we can do. What kind of RH trainer do you have?

@Bloop: Rare Holo. And, to be honest, depends on what kind of RH's would it be. Make some kind of offer and we'll see.

Take your pick:

EP Rev Holos:

Pansage 3
Bianca 90
Klink 74
Klang 75
Drilbur 54
Emolga 32

B/W Rev Holos:

Darumaka 24
Dewott 30
Samurott 31
Patrat 78
Solosis 55
Energy Search
Full Heal
PlusPower x 2
Professor Juniper
Potion x 2
Pignite 17
Super Scoop Up
Snivy 2
Pignite 18
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

UPDATE! Now have Catchers! Also, special deal for my Base Set!

@THE_LORD_Of_RANGERS: Well.. after all, I'm gonna pass.

@Bloop: If you're still interested in that Zekrom, let me know and then hopefully we'll make some kind of a deal.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Update. Added stuff, smaller wants.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

I have lots of your wants, i have almost every common and uncommon in all 4 sets, most rares from dragon frontiers and exploud ex, pigeot delta, camerut holo, ampharos delta and vileplume delta. I will trade you all of these for 2 shaymin ul, zekrom full art, tyrogue hgss, zekrom holo.
I will also add some free black and white reverse holos if you trade.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

@pikaheart1: I like this offer quite a bit, but could you specify which rares from Dragon Frontiers do you have? Then I'll make my final decision if I accept or not.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Update. Stuff added, less wants.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Bumpdate. Added Noble Victories wants, as well as all three BW sets RH wants. Some new stuff in Haves.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Updated with more Donphans and other stuff.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

I can fill a ton of your RH wants. Please let me know if you'd be interested in a trade


POP2 Suicune

Black & White REVERSE HOLO
1/114 Snivy
2/114 Snivy
3/114 Servine
5/114 Serperior
7/114 Pansage
11/114 Maractus
14/114 Sawsbuck
21/114 Pansear
24/114 Darumaka
28/114 Oshawott
30/114 Dewott
33/114 Panpour
34/114 Simipour
35/114 Basculin
37/114 Swanna
38/114 Alomomola
39/114 Alomomola
40/114 Blitzle
42/114 Zebstrika
44/114 Joltik
50/114 Woobat
52/114 Venipede
53/114 Whirlipede
58/114 Timburr
59/114 Timburr
60/114 Gurdurr
61/114 Throh
62/114 Sawk
66/114 Purrloin
67/114 Liepard
68/114 Scraggy
69/114 Scrafty
75/114 Klang
78/114 Patrat
79/114 Watchog
80/114 Lillipup
81/114 Lillipup
82/114 Herdier
83/114 Stoutland
84/114 Pidove


6 Donphan Prime
1 Zekrom Full Art
2 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Top
2 Shaymin UL
2 Pokemon Catcher
9 Pokemon Collector

(minor wants)
1 Garchomp C Lv. X (pack)
1 Blaziken FB Lv. X
1 Arceus Lv. X Psychic Bolt
1 Glaceon Lv. X
1 Leafeon Lv. X

Please note, that is not an offer, just what I'm interested in. Let me know and thanks :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

@Butterfly719: Well, quite obviously I'd be interested in a trade, since you have a lot of my wants. Just don't expect that I'll be willing to trade too much, since there aren't any big money cards in what you're offering. But I'm sure we'll work something out - make me an offer and we'll see. ;)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

If you wouldn't mind, I'd rather hear a starting offer from you to get an idea of what you value the cards at. There are 40 RHs + the POP2 rare. It's going to cost a bit to ship that many cards to Poland, but I don't mind paying the extra shipping if the trade is worthwhile. The Shaymins and Pokemon Catchers are my highest priority, followed by the Donphan Primes. The Lv. Xs I would just consider deal sweeteners. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Are you still interested? Please let me know either way.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

Please check my list for:
1x Electrode Prime
1x Feraligatr Prime
2x Shaymin UL
2x Pokemon Catcher
xXx Pokemon Collector
1x Junk Arm (RH)
1x Double Colorless Energy (RH)

Let me know if you find anything. I think I have a fair amount of reverse holos from your wants as well as a bunch of commons and uncommons from Voble Victories. Let me know if you're interested. Thank you!
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; Complete Base Set [W] Cards from BW & EX Sets

@Butterfly719: Yes, I'm still interested. But still, I'd prefer you to make an offer first - after all, you come to my thread. As I said, don't expect too much, most of the cards you're offering are worth about 0,5$ to me, some rares maybe 1$ and Suicune 1-2$.

@Afro-G: I'm probably interested in the NV stuff and those few random RHs from EP i BW. But since I don't know what is unlisted, let me know and make an offer - then we'll see.