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H: ND-Gardevoir, Supps/Trainers/SPenergy,A LOT MORE, Litwick Promo x4 N: Stuff

RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

CML for lux x, promocroak, machamp prime, and 1-1-1 line of garchomp SV
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

Sorry for the late reply guys. I saw everbody's post and list but had to go to school at the time XP

@Mudkip: oh Well :p

@mewyoshi: I have 2 tin garchomp C Lv.Xs but I'm using them. I would like the regulars from the pack :)

@Fartman: I also have Warp Energy and Pokemon Rescue.

I didn't really see anything for the promocroak or champ prime

but I do want

Garchomp C Lv.X (what do you mean by "Ultra-Rare"? Do you mean the pack version?)
Poketurn x4
Machamp (SF)

care to make offer?
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

CML for Shaymin X(land) or Leafeon X
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

don't have shaymin land forme lv.x anymore (fixed da list). All I really saw was absol prime. Did you want anything else. I have rare candies.
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

What set are they from?
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

4 are from (Great Encounters) and I think I have 2 from Unleashed. I have to check on the Unleashed. I know I have more I just have to check.
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

1 machamp sf

1-1-1 garchomp sv line


2 poke turn
2 machamp sf



my 2 machamp
your 1-1-1 garchomp sv
any seeker (1-2)
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

I'll do the 3rd deal :)
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

how many seeker ?
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

I have
RH Crobat G
RH Engineer's
RH Warp Energy
RH Collector
Some Regional Dice and State Dice. I live in New England. I'd have to check to tell you how many and which ones.
Arceus Unopened Pre-release sleeves.

I'm interested in Luxray GL Lv. X cml for more.

Also I don't really get rule #4. Does this mean that some people don't put stamps on?
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

Sorry but I didn't see much I needed. You have any japan merchandise? Like dice boxes?

About the rule: I've had people send me packages not fully paid for, then I have to pay for. If I didn't pay for it I didn't get my mail :[
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

No, I only have what's on my trade thread and what I listed above.
RE: I guess I'm Kind of back? H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, TRI, Gengar X, Leafy X

Ok, before we trade CML for gengar x
RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, E/R LGND FULL, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

@cyndaquil: Sorry didn't see anything else I needed

@Fartman: Sorry but I think I will pass for now

UPDATED: Need gyarados stuff
RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

Can you CML for the Luxray GL Lv.X? I have 2 Sealed UD Sleeves, 1 Sealed TR Sleeves, some of your deck wants, and more... LMK. Thanks.

EDIT: I also have a lot of Gyarados stuff.
RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

@mudkip: Do you have any of my Japan Merchandise wants?
RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

I do not have any sealed items, just opened.
RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

Hello SSBBDaisy!

By any chance, do you have an Uxie X?

RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X

CML for lux X, I have Unduanted sleeves.