RE: H: Lux.X, Promocroak, Mew Prime, Gengar X, W: Gyarados Stuff, RH Seekers, Uxie X
@Mudkip: I'm sorry but I'm looking for Uxie lv.x or some selaed japan merchandise like winner's only dicebox, espeon/umbreon deckbox, espeon/umbreon sleeves (the ones from japan) stuff like that is what I'm wanting in an offer for luxray gl lv.x. Is there anything else you want?
@torterra_tank: I like
Gengar Prime x3
Mew Prime x3
Infernape 4 Lv.X (low)
Azelf (LA)
Mesprit (LA) x3 (low)
Ninetails x2
Do you have any smeargle from undaunted or gyarados from stormfront or regice from legends awakened?