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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Would you happen to have any Toxicroak G promos??
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Cresselia X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

No, unfortunately I don't have any extra.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Cresselia X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Bump. HG/SS In.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

I have an entire BOXFUL of mainly PT coms/uncoms (I assume that puts me around 300 coms/uncoms, give or take). I also have two 'Gears HGSS and one Collector HGSS I'm willing to offer.

I'm mainly interested in EXHL Claydol RH (unless you have a holo; I'd prefer that), EXDR Grumpig (H?) and Spoink (NH?), and I'd like to request if the Blaziken EXRS H has the E-reader 'bars' and logo. Lemme know if you're interested at all, please!

Worst comes to worst, I do have one more each of the HGSS to trade if you feel it appropriate.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

OK, so I am interested in any uncommons/commons from any set as long as its from a Modified set + I am also looking for any HG/SS ones as well. I am interested in the Pokemon Collector but the Pokegear is near the bottom of my list so I don't have too much interest in it.

Now, for the cards you are looking for: I only have Claydol as RH, sorry. Yes, Grumpig is Holo, but Spoink I only have Reverse Holo but it is not in mint condition. The Blaziken does have the e-reader but does not have the "lines" on it.

Anyway, if I can get a definate count on those UC/C that would be great because I really only value them at or > about $0.01 each (depending on the condition of course). And with only roughly 300, I would really only be able to do those + the 3 trainers for Either one of those.

But please let me know if possible exactly how many you can and we can work from there.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Unfortunately given how the set's just barely come out, HGSS haves are little. Also given how I'm kinda broke right now, I'm probably not gonna be able to afford some more packs for a while. :/

However, I'd say it is a very good thing I'm a cashier; otherwise counting all these coms/uncoms would have been more painful, I'm sure. ;D

Anyways, here are the numbers. Included in PT there are some Crobat Gs, so I'm not certain if that raised their worth any. :/

PT- 387
PT RH- 19 (most have minor handling scratches on the holo.)
SV- 28
LA- 24
RR- 39
SW- 8, but I know I can find more!

Total= 505, unless I carried a number wrong.

My interest goes to Blaziken EXRS and EXDR Grumpig now, juat because I'm not interested in RH for my 'Dex. Lemme know if this is enough or not...I have some boxes still fairly filled with untouched coms/uncoms.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

I am willing to take as many as you want to give up! lol Quantity doesn't matter to me the more the merrier lol.

Anyway, I just looked at my Blaziken and both (Holo and RH) aren't in the greatest condition =/. The Regular one has a crease on the top, and RH has a few small scuffs on it.

I am assuming you want them top mint, so instead of that could I do something like a Magmortar (MT) or Phione (MD) instead [whichever one is more mint]?

So 2 those about for all of those UN/C (if possible you can make it at 600 or as close to that; That would be fantastic) + Pokemon Collector (how ever many you are willing to part with) for the 2 Holos?

Please let me know!

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Please CML for:

Typhlosion [Prime]
Shiny Red Gyarados

Plus, if you have any DCE from HGSS, or if you have any holo fighting energies from HGSS, please CML for those too. Thanks.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Just counted out 100 more for ya. I'm just wondering how to ship such a vast quantity...what do you suggest, as 600+ cards gets heavy fast?

Anyways, I'd be interested in Phione H. Someone else has offered one and I kinda wanna see how that goes. :/

So, then...

~600 C/UC
1x Pk. Collector (can do 1 more, just a wee reluctant seeing as I only have two and they seem pretty playable)

Phione H
Grumpig H

Again, LMK. (Really appreciate pointers a/o any help with shipping, given money's a bit tight...)
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

How do you do the bulk commons/ rares? Like how much do you value each one?
Because I want a Gengar Lv. X via bulk. So maybe pm me how much you value each rare/ uncommon/ common and how much you valued Gengar Lv. X then we could work something out.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Crystal Hikara: Well, the last one I got was in a big box and if I remember correctly I think the shipping was ~$7 - $9 (for postage + delivery confirmation) and that was for about 1,000+ so it should be something less that than.

But IMO I think the best way to do it since I don't think a box would really help too much would be if possible go to you local Target and in the shipping supply section you should see single bubble mailers and try to get one where on the back it says "Size 2" (this cost about $1.30 +/- how much tax is in your state). I fit about 600 in there in stack of 100's with either a piece of paper wrapped around them or a rubber band so the movement isn't much.

And not sure if exactly you can get them weighed before hand I can give you a better idea on exactly how much you should pay.

But I can add in something else for that other Pokemon Collector if you would like but its completely up to you.

Anyway, if you want to confirm the trade, just send me a PM and I will keep looking around and trying to find out some more info to get you a better idea on exactly how much it would cost to send out.

EDIT: Shuckle the Snail: OK, basically I treat them all the same (assuming they are mint; As long as they contain no Energies) and only value them at or > about $0.01 each. Probably looking for somewhere around 3,000 - 3,500 somewhere around there maybe a bit less if you can add in some of my wants. If your interested LMK.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Your Floatzel GL (reg holo) and Cherrim SF for my Squirtle and Blastoise sticker(see pics on my trade thread)?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

No thanks. I found a bunch of them for $0.25 each, they don't have the ones I want, and tried to e-mail the person and ask if they had any more and still waiting for an answer.

So with that said, I only value them at that price, nothing more than that. So unless you want to add in a couple more for just Floatzel GL than maybe otherwise thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

I'm interested in Cresselia LV. X, Typhlosion Prime, Red Gyarados, Holo Gyarados, Feraligatr, and 2x Pokemon Reversal. I have some X's, HGSS sleeves, HGSS commons/uncommons/rares, around 200 commons/uncommons from Rising Rivals and Arceus, and other stuff. CML and let me know what you're interested in
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

AnthonyG said:
No thanks. I found a bunch of them for $0.25 each, they don't have the ones I want, and tried to e-mail the person and ask if they had any more and still waiting for an answer.

So with that said, I only value them at that price, nothing more than that. So unless you want to add in a couple more for just Floatzel GL than maybe otherwise thanks for posting.

How about 12 stickers in any combination for your Floatzel and the two cherrim?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

EvilHamster: I am not checking list (if you read my notice you would see that; I should really be ignoring you but...w/e). Anyway, depending on how many UN/C you have we might be able to come up with something, but I would need an exact number before I even offer.

Radical144: I can do 12 for Floatzel GL, thats about it sorry. I don't really need them too bad right now, so I am really not looking to give up much for them.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Bump. Adding in new Prime Wants
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Uh, skipped?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

My Blissey Prime and Oaks New Theory for your Typhlosion Prime and Charizard PA?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: HG/SS Stuff! Typhlo Prime, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: BULK + HG/SS Trainers

Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.

Best I can do is Prime for Prime. But if you do not want that I understand and thanks for posting.
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