• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Well, there are no x's on ur wants list.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

...then that means (take a minute to guess) *jeopardy music*

...its not available at this time. Lol.

My list is very simple. You have something I want than feel free to post and let me know what you need and we can work from there.

If you don't and tell me to CYL I am going to ignore you, because I am only looking for specific things ATM. Later on I will start checking list again but ONLY when a decent set comes out or if I want something bad enough.

Its very simple. And you seem you are not grasping this simple idea lol.

Again, if you have anything off my wants list (ONLY) than post otherwise thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Just a bump to get to the last page...

AnthonyG said:
Thanks for the offer but I think I'll pass, mainly because all I need is Mesprit out of that list and the others I only consider low wants/throw in's. Roseanne's coming out as one of those League Promos so I don't hold them at a high value at all since I can get them myself.

And also I have no idea where you found Shiny Shinx or Flying Pikachu off my list since there not even up there lol.

Thanks for posting but I'll pass.

Darn. How about Mesprit, Pokegear 3.0, and 3 Roseanne's (you're right about League promo, totally forgot)

for the Prerelesae Mothim and Buck's
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Could you do Mesprit + 3 Roseanne's for Prerelease Mothim OR Buck's (maybe something small depending on what you want).


RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

CML for Floatzel GL?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

I am not looking at any list ATM perhaps in the future I will but for now I am not.

I updated my wants list (so I am trading for a few things I can trade/sell in the future). If you want to take a look at that and get back to me with your offer/telling me what you have and we can work from there, that would work as well.

Otherwise, thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

I have 2 Collector normal and 2 Pokegear 3.0 normal. Could that get me a Floatzel GL, Anthony?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Unfortunately thats not really enough.

Do you happen to have anything other than the 2 Pokegear you can add? Those I only consider low wants/throw in's.

It would also make things easier if you can possible post all the cards you have off my wants list then we can work from there.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

cml for donphan prime i have an azelf la
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

I got 2 Collector, 2 Pokegear, 1 Elm's Training Method that's not RH. That's all I got from HG/SS that is on your wants/collection wants.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Grizzly: Unfortunately I don't think we can work something out because those cards aren't really high enough for me to really trade, sorry. But thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Bump to see the last page...

AnthonyG said:
Could you do Mesprit + 3 Roseanne's for Prerelease Mothim OR Buck's (maybe something small depending on what you want).



Ugh. Is there something I can add for both?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

I could do...
2x Spiritomb PA (Both non-holo)

1x Donphan Prime

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

darksoulSP: I updated my wants list if you want to take a second look. Other than that thats the best offer I can do.

ThePokemonProfessor: I'll Pass.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

In that case, can I do Spiritomb for the 2 Prerelease cards?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Woah lol. Thanks for the offer, but No Thanks.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

THis may be noob question but i cant see your needs anywhere?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Lol, its no problem. There are 2 ways you can look at my wants. Near the top (right after my rules which I suggest you read especially being overseas) there will be a clickable link that says "wants" (it in blue) and that will lead you to the post which has my wants list or you could also just scroll down all the way down the 1st page and when you hit the headline that says "Wants" those are my wants.

But to make things easier just use this link: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=20701&pid=289301#pid289301 thats the exact link to my wants.

If somehow you are still confused send me a PM and will try to explain it to the best of my ability.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

Bump to see last page...

AnthonyG said:
Woah lol. Thanks for the offer, but No Thanks.

Isn't Spiritomb highly valued? Last time I checked it reached $13 on online stores and such.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Donphan + Blissey Prime, HG/SS Cards, Red Gyarados + TONS more! W: 2 Azelf + Mesprit LA

cml for blissey prime and
1 Azelf la
1 regice la
1 unknown g
1 ssu
4 poke rescue
2 poke collectors
1 tsd
2 cyclone energy
3 sableye sf
if you have them i need all of these for states.
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