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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Hi! I am interested in your Darkrai & Cresselia Legend Top, Yanmega Prime, and the Spiritombs (LPs).
I know I have 2 Power Sprays, an Energy gain, a Crobat G, a LP Dragonite FB, an RH Toxicroak G and an Alph Four.
Please LMK if you would like to trade!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Hey there,

I am interested in your Alpha Lithograph 4, and Crobat G the most. I actually just traded the Yanmegas and only need RH SP Staples right now sorry :X, I also edited my wants/haves list a bit more so if you see anything/have anything else, just let me know and we can work from there!

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I do have a RH Looker's if you're interested.
Can you describe the condition of your played Machamp Prime? I may be interested in that.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Sure, I could use the Looker's but something a bit secondary.

Machamp Prime isn't bad at all maybe a few curving in the card, maybe a tiny, tiny crease (I'd have to check). I used it in a deck like once, so to be safe I just listed it as 'Played'. Very good for decks, perhaps good for collecting unless you are meticulous in condition than probably not lol
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

would you do...?
RH Looker's
Alph Lithograph Four
Crobat G

Darkrai Cresselia Legend Top
2x Spiritomb LP

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Thats a bit more than I was looking to give up for those, sorry.

Like I mentioned in my wants the Alpha is sorta a low want (I only value it at maybe $3-$4 at the most), so I am not sure if I want to give too much for it.

If you want to work something else out LMK, or have anything to maybe add, that would work too.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

How about all three of those cards for only the Darkrai/Cresselia top?
DCL top is worth about $6, so the $3-4 Alph plus Crobat G and the RH Looker's should be more than enough to cover the difference.
Is this alright?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

i like you entei and raikou legend full and 2x ninetals col

i have 5x smeargle 3ud 2col and gengar lvl x

lmk what we can do

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

~xatu~: I actually would rather not trade for it right now, I'm sorry. DCL about what you said its worth (maybe a $1 or $2 higher) but I see more people looking for that instead, so I would rather try getting something I need more. I'm sorry.

I checked your list would you be able to do something like this?

Spritomb League Promo
+Throw-in Card

Looker's Investiagtion RH
Power Keepers Psychic Energy
Crobat G

Would you be interested in something like that?

Please let me know.


chopemdown: Hey there, I am more interested in the Smeargles. LMK an offer?

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Sure! Can you throw in a PONT and we'll make it a deal?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Sure that OK with me!

PM me to finalize.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

your mew prime
my rh rescue energy,black belt and energy excnager
and regular mr mime
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Will you trade bulk common/uncommons?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

how many smeargles erl and the ninetales?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I have:

5x Haunter TM
4x unown R
2x energy exchanger
1x holon phantoms RH fighting energy
1x lost world
1x Mr. Mime TM
1x Dragonite FB (set nonholo)

I like:

Smeargles UD and Ninetales HS
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Please CML for x1 Uxie X thanks

Trade Thread

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

tjtoot: Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

konter_j8902: Nope.

chopemdown: No sure what you mean? I can only guess you mean how many Smeargles for ERL and Ninetales. Would you be willing to do 3 Smeargles for 3 Ninetales?

Subarashii: Not really too interested in those too much, sorry. Most of those are low wants. If you have anything else, please let me know!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

I'm interested in Jolteon * and Mew Ex (LM)

From your wants, I have:

Various Holo Energies (Other than water) from PK/HP
3x Crobat G
3x Mr. Mime CoL (1 RH)
2x Bebe's Search RR
2x Blaziken FB
1x Blaziken FB X
8x Pokemon Communication
2x Mew Prime
5x Lost World

LMK if you're interested and if we can work something out :)
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

Hey there,

Sorry for the late response, I am interested in these:

Various Holo Energies (Other than water) from PK/HP (Mostly PK, not too interested in HP) - if possible would you be able to let me know how many and which type you have?
2x Mew Prime

LMK if you want to work something out!

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! Call of Legends, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: COL Energies!; READ RULES BEFORE POSTING!

The PK Energies I have are:
2x Fire
2x Grass
2x Electric
My water/fighting ones got traded already :/

Here's my first offer (Based on what I value them - typically around eBay prices or T&T):

Mew Prime (15)
BTS (8)

Jolteon * (20)

And I would trade my other Mew Prime for your mew ex if that works for you too, but I guess I'm more interested in the Jolteon. LMK :)
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