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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thead HERE! Now Selling PK-HP R/UC/C In Bulk! + $2 Holos! Come Inside And See

I usually base cards off the BIN prices, cause they are sometimes accurate. And how much they bid for is not always reliable, cause you can get lucky and get it really cheap.

Anyway, how about $9 including shipping? You can counter offer if you want. Just LMK.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE! Now Selling PK-HP R/UC/C In Bulk! + $2 Holos! Come Inside And See

Is there anything on my list that will make up for those 3 dollars?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE! Now Selling PK-HP R/UC/C In Bulk! + $2 Holos! Come Inside And See

Sry, but I don't see anything on your list. =(

Unless you have any of my wants that I have missed
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

I want your Shaymin Sleeves and your deckboxes, but, I dont think those are for trade.

So, I need x4 Candy and x2 Bebe's. :p
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

I have a good amount of money. How much do you want for Leafeon Lv.X?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

Mr.619 : Yea, they are not for trade =/. I also have Altaria EX and Togetic (Neo Gen) if you interested in those. And I don't think I will be trading the Rare Candys. Just LMK. Thanks

~Roxsora~ : Sry, a friend needed the Leafeon X, so I cannot trade or sell it ATM, I need to find some more myself. Sry again, need anything else?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

$6, 3 Prinplup(did you say RH only), and 1 Blastoise(SW).
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

Actually, yes, I am interested in those.

EDIT: Wait, is the Altaria EX from Emerald?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

?man : No thanks. I don't value those cards enough to make the price go down. Also I rather not do a $ + cards deal. I would rather do only $ or only cards.

Mr.619. : Yes, the Altaria EX is from Emerald, would you mind making an offer? LMK, thanks.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

I hate to say it, but, I'm not good with offers =/
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

x1 RH Empo MD
x1 Rare Candy Emerald (holo)

Kingdra DP5
Heatran Deck box

I would do The empo for the kingdra, if thats ok with you. LMK!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

cml for the ifds box or pacs
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

Mr.618. : I am not sure how high you value Altaria EX but what about this offer?


Altaria EX (Emerald)
2 Bebe's Search (MT)


Latios EX (Dragon)
2x Gardevoir (SW)

LMK, what you think. And counter if you want.

PokemonPhantom3 : No thanks, its unfair for me. Considering Kingdra is one of the most anticipated cards from LA. And JPN items are for sale only.

M*A*S*H*4077 : Sry JPN items are for sale only.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

i need kingdra la
please cml
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It O

AnthonyG said:
Mr.618. : I am not sure how high you value Altaria EX but what about this offer?


Altaria EX (Emerald)
2 Bebe's Search (MT)


Latios EX (Dragon)
2x Gardevoir (SW)

LMK, what you think. And counter if you want.

That deal looks fine to me.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

I will pay $8 for Kingdra(DP5). Which includes shipping.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

Mudkip711 : sry, don't see anything I can use on your list. If you wanna buy it make an offer for it. Thanks

M*A*S*H4077 : Yea, they are under the DP 5/ DP 4 secetion of my trade thread. LMK, if you need anything from there. Thanks

Mr.619. : Ok, cool. PM me the details. Thanks

?man: Ill have to think about it. Post back in a day or 2. Thanks
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It O

Please CML for:
x1 Leafeon Lv. X MD
x2 Felicity's Drawing
x2 Roseanne's Research
x8 Celio's Network
x4 Double Rainbow Energy
x4 Scramble Energy
x2 Rare Candy (1 from GE, 1 from HP)
x2 Cessation Crystal
x1 Leafeon #7 MD [H]
x2 Glaceon #5 MD [H]
x3 Phione #12 MD [H]
x1 Old Amber MD

Do you trade cards for your sleeves? If so, I'm interested in your Shaymin sleeves and Shaymin deck box.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! Now Selling Shaymin Sleeves!! + IFDS Boxes!! Come Check It Out!!

want leafeon lv X and mayby the IFDS box um look at my thred but I havin't updated so just ask if you dont see what you want
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