RE: New RH wants! RR Eevee, Premier ball, collector, Rare Candy GE 
My RH Hopip, Prerelease Gabite
Your Scyther EX
PM me if this is good!
My RH Hopip, Prerelease Gabite
Your Scyther EX
PM me if this is good!
goldenthumb said:How about MY:
RH Night Maintenance
RH Super Scoop Up
2 RH baltoy GE
for Your:
Uxie LP
80baby said:CML for the following
XXxx Uxie (LP)
2x Chatot (MD)
Alexz345 said:I have a Regice star, 2 Lapras Exs, Misty's Sedra Prerelease Gym Heroes.
I like your Buck’s Training Prerelease, Surfing Pikachu (original), HGSS basic energy xX (I need 16 psychic), Ursaring Prime. Wigglytuff RH (GE), Hypno (Legendary collection)
Maybe we can agree to trade something.
See my list for more stuff you might like!
ace310j said:Skipped......
UrsaLunarMinor said:SweetI need the Regice the most and I definitely don't have 16 psychics but I will check to see how many I've got.
ace310j said:Skipped......
You weren't skipped, I'm not interested in trading the Mudkip, sorry
UrsaLunarMinor said:Hey there, let me check to make sure that I still have that memory berry laying around somewhereBut otherwise sounds good to me!
eevee said:Please CML for Uxie LP, Ursaring Prime and Pokedrawer x4. Do you also have any Cyrus Conspiracy?
I don't have any conspiracy, sorry and I don't have any more uxie either. My list will be updated (hopefully) by this weekend. As for the pokedrawer and the ursaring prime I will check