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H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

i really really really really really really really x1000kabajillion
need the darkrai Lv. X..pls CML fo rit..thx
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

CML for;

x1 Cresselia
x1 Pachirisu (H)
x1 Claydol

LMK, Thanks.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

hey i have
crissaliax2 ( 1 rh 1 regular)
i want
x1 Pachirisu (H)
x1 Claydol

could u make the first offer
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

i want your darkria lv x ill trade HUGE for it!!!!!!!
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Sorry Gman, not to sound mean, but I put Darkrai on the list because I want to people go phyco over it. ANd that is what you are doing. Offer me 2 GE lvl. Xes is you really want it. Yuyuman im checking your list right now.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

would u trade all my lv x/ex for it? please?
RE: HAVE TORTERRA, Electivire, and Magmorter LVL X! And many EXes!

bubba235 said:
PokemonPhantom3 said:
Sorry everyone on this page, I didnt see anything
I updated my list...but you might have seen it already...could you just look ONE more time? I REALLY need Electivire Lv. X...Thanks!:)
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Ok so your saying you would trade me:
1 gardevoir lv X
1 darkrai lv X from japan1 torterra lv X
1 infernape lv X
1 empoleon lv X
1 empoleon lv X from tin
2 electivire lv X
1 typhlosion ex
1 salamence ex d
1 rayquaza ex promo
1 registeel ex(pending)
1 shftry ex pk
1 skarmory ex pk
All of that just for darkrai X?
RE: HAVE TORTERRA, Electivire, and Magmorter LVL X! And many EXes!

bubba235 said:
bubba235 said:
PokemonPhantom3 said:
Sorry everyone on this page, I didnt see anything
I updated my list...but you might have seen it already...could you just look ONE more time? I REALLY need Electivire Lv. X...Thanks!:)
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

i will trade:
emploeon lv x NOT from tin(i wont trade the other simply becase it maybe in ano ther trade sorry
1 electivre lv x same as above
1 gardevoir lv x
1 shiftry ex
1 salamence ex d
1 rey ex promo
skarmory ex
1 typhlosion ex
the rest are pending sorry
but 1 vire x and the empoelon x from tin are only pending so...
EDIT: i am also getting feraligatr ex and groudon ex cg
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

What about the Jap. Darkrai X? And I probably wont do that because I will never use them.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

not jap dark i would be ripping my self off ;)
ill throw in some rare dp and non-dp cards please??
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Need: x1 Pachirisu(GE), x1 Claydol(GE), and Mag(MT). Have Honchy Lv.X and a DRE!!
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

umm ?man: uh post an offer, not confirming anything yet.
Sorry to Gman, but i dont think I will do it. :(
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

r u sure? gardy x is really good
ill add a LOT more cards
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

My Honchy Lv.X for your Mag Lv.X, Pachirisu(GE), and Claydol(GE)?
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

umm probably not letting all of that go sorry.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

did u see anything for magmortar lv x?
EDIT: i got 2 vire x and the empoleon lv x from the tin soo..
wanna trade?