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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Blaziken FB
Aaron's Collection

Lucario GL?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

No thanks I think i'd rater just do the original trade.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G L

CML for your Uxie promo and your Poke Turn ;).
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

I can do Movie Spiky-Eared Pichu 11/22 (JPN) and Pt4 Shiny Ponyta (JPN) for the ERL bottom.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Radical - that's fine. Pm me.
Vrapceboy - sorry can't send to Croatia.
Eevee - something I can add to the original deal? Id rather trade the pichu together.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Do you mind adding in Steelix Prime? I can add in something small if you like.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G L

Why not? It's only 1$ more... :rolleyes:
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Can you CML for Scizor Prime and Steelix Prime?
I have followings from your wants. LMK

SV Vs Seeker
PL Honchkrow G x2
RR Lucario GL
SF Machoke
SF Gengar
SF Machop
MD Warp Point x2
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Movie Spiky-Eared Pichu 10/22 (JPN)
Movie Spiky-Eared Pichu 11/22 (JPN)
Pt4 Shiny Ponyta (JPN)
Steelix Prime

ERL Bottom
AR Spiritomb
Lucario GL
Expert Belt?

A Raichu
My scizor prime
Your sf gengar, la uxie?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

I'm interested in these from you:
Scizor Prime
Charizard AR
Azelf LA

I have from your wants:
PL Dialga G Lv. X
SF Gengar x2 (RH)
AR Gengar Lv. X

Smaller Wants
SF Premier Ball
RR Lucario GL
RR Bebe's Search x3
SV Cyrus' Initiative
SV VS Seeker
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Haha. Nice timing. Would you do the three for DGX and gengar X?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

No thanks. That's way to much on my part.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

DGX and SF Gengar?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

I do not have the Lucario GL anymore.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Movie Spiky-Eared Pichu 10/22 (JPN)
Movie Spiky-Eared Pichu 11/22 (JPN)
Pt4 Shiny Ponyta (JPN)
Steelix Prime

ERL Bottom
AR Spiritomb
Expert Belt
SP Radar
Dragonite FB?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

I can do that. Just let me check to make sure I have the SP Radar and Dragonite FB still.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X


1x Luxury Ball SF
1x Machop SF
1x Machoke SF
1x Cyrus' Initiative
2x Eevee MD 62/100


Azelf LA

CML for more if you think this is a rip.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Sorry, didn't see anything.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Gengar Lv. X

Scizor prime
Charizard AR or Azelf LA?