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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

DGX is my priority so I'm looking for a trade for that before I trade for my other wants. Could we do:
Power Spray
Lucario GL
Scizor Prime
AR Charizard
LA Azelf?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Would you do my:

Dialga G Lv. X

For your:

1x Azelf LA
1x LP Uxie LA
1x TGI Poke Turn

RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Festizzio - could we do it without the poketurn?
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

I couldn't... it wouldn't be worth it for me then.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, Movie Pichu's W:Dialga G Lv. X

Could you throw in a power spray or lucario gl? If not that's fine. I'll accept your original offer. PM me.
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, W:Dialga G Lv. X

Do you have any of these in RH?:
x3 DCE
x2 Power Spray
x1 Energy Exchanger
x1 Pokemon Collector
x1 Poketurn
RE: H: Scizor Prime, Luxray GL RH, Azelf, Uxie, Charizard, W:Dialga G Lv. X

Richkid - 3 Collector?
Rikko - No, sorry.
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

CML for
AR Charizard (RH)
UL Donphan Prime
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

my skunktank G for your Unown !
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

Gms16 - I'd rather not do small trades like that. Have any of my other wants?
Torterra tank - how about charizard and donphan prime for DGX?
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

PL Power Spray x2

PL Looker's Investigation x2
PL Skuntank G
RR Bebe's Search x2

SV Vs Seeker

and i have a honchkrow G
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

CML for the following


LA Azelf
LA Mesprit
LA Uxie (Promo)
SF Machamp
PL Poketurn
RR Luxray GL x2 (1 RH)
AR Charizard (RH)
UL Donphan Prime
UD Scizor Prime
RE: H:Scizor/Donphan Prime, Luxray GL RH, Charizard RH, Machamp, AMU, Poketurn W:DGX

80baby - still interested in the DGX.