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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: Random Stuff W: SP Engine

EDIT: actually you know what, I'm gonna hang on to it to see if I can get some of my wants for it. Sorry.
RE: H: Random Stuff W: SP Engine

please CML for your
HS Jumpluff x2
UL Steelix Prime
UL Raikou & Suicune TOP


Thanks :)
RE: H: Random Stuff W: SP Engine

KwiksilverT said:
Sorry, didn't see much I need.

raikou/suicune top and reverse time dialga for 2 ar spiritomb?

How about steelix prime and warp energy for 2 garchomp c, crobat g and dce?
I want to hang on to the DCE for this trade.
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

Do you have any of my RH wants? Thanks! :)
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

Whatever is listed is what I have. SF Cherrim is the only one I saw.
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

SV Garchomp C
PL Energy Gain x2

HG/SS Jumpluff

LMK. =)
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

Not enough for jumpluff, but thanks for the offer.
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

I can add a Crobat G.
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

& 1 more E-gain? and that's my final offer...
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

No thanks, I think our values are too different. Thanks for the offer.
RE: H: Rare Candy, Jumpluff, Steelix Prime, R/S Top W: SP Stuff, Blaziken FB, Garchomp C

Those values add up to Jumpluff...it's only worth $6