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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: Celebi Prime, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Holo Energy, Uxie, Spiritomb

I've got:
Ditto LA
Jirachi LA
Houndoom UD
Phanpy HS x3
Pokemon Communication x4
Pupitar UL 38 x2
Seadra UL x3
Larvitar UL 50
Engineer's Adjustments x4
Umbreon UD RH
Darkness Energy
Metal energy x2

I'm interested in your
ERL Bottom
Celebi Prime
Luxray GL
Staraptor FB

RE: H: Celebi Prime, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Holo Energy, Uxie, Spiritomb

I hate to do this, but would you do Staraptor FB RH for UD Houndoom. I can't justify trading the others for just commons/uncommons. Anything else you would trade them for?
RE: H: Celebi Prime, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Holo Energy, Uxie, Spiritomb

Yeah sure, I can do Houndoom for Staraptor FB. PM me to confirm.
RE: H: Celebi Prime, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Holo Energy, Uxie, Spiritomb

I like:
Spiritomb AR (how much do you have??)
Expert Belt AR (RH)
Energy Switch HS (RH)
Furret HS (RH)
Meganium HS (RH)
Croconaw HS (RH)
Chikorita HS (RH)
****all your reverse holos from undaunted that are listed
Leafeon UD
I have:
Houndoom UD (H) x2
x3 Phanpy HS (NH)
x1 Pupitar UL (Boost Gas)
x2 Seadra UL
x3 Larvitar UL (Mountain Eater)
x4 Engineer's Adjustments UL
x1 Special Metal energy UD
(I alos have some special metal energy from RR)
Please PM me your thoughts. ;) ~JS
RE: H: Celebi/Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Spiritomb, Uxie

CML for

SV Staraptor FB RH
UD Smeargle x3
TR Black Belt x2
TR Junk Arm x2
TR Seeker x2
TR Rescue Energy x2 (1 RH)
TR Celebi Prime
RE: H: Celebi/Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Spiritomb, Uxie

SV Staraptor FB RH
TR Celebi Prime

Garchomp C
2x LA Ditto?
RE: H: Celebi/Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Spiritomb, Uxie

Sounds like a deal to me.
RE: H: RH BTS, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Turn

please cml for rhyperior 4 deck holo and heatran deck holo
RE: H: RH BTS, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Turn

Interested in anything else? Have any of my wants unlisted? I'd like to make a larger trade.
RE: H: RH BTS, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Turn

if ur willing to ship to canada CML for your smeargles
RE: H: RH BTS, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Turn

Can't at this time. I'll let you know if that changes.
RE: H: RH BTS, Yanmega Prime, ERL Bottom, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, Turn

it costs $1 to send a card to canada...
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt

Hey I got:
UL Kingdra Prime 1
UL Tyranitar Prime xX 2


AR Charizard x2
UD Smeargle x2
SF Combee x1
Rescue RH x1


PS1: What is the Holo Energy Set-thing??
PS2: I live in Norway.