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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt

Can't send international. I'll let yo know if that changes. Set means all 6 types.
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, TR T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt

I've got Kingdra, Steelix, and Scizor Prime. I was interested in your x2 Smeargle. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Gonna hang on to the Smeargle for some of my higher wants.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

CML for UD Smeargle x2
and pm me about it
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Looking into international shipping, I'll let you know once I figure it out.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

My 3 Jirachi RR (1 RH) for your 2 Smeargle UD?
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

I only need 1 Jirachi and I value Smeargle higher than that. I could do 1 Smeargle for Donphan Prime and 1 RR Jirachi.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Ummm... No that's a really really awful deal for me.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

shipping to canada isn't that much under a dollar still =p
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Smeargle 9.99
Donphan Prime 7.49
RR Jirachi 1.99
Can't be THAT bad of a deal

Not too worried about the cost, concerned with shipping time, being delivered correctly, and what kind of custom forms I need to fill out.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Okay, I was wrong about the prices (Although Donphan is a little more than that), I just don't like the idea of trading a really good prime+ just for a Holo that I don't even need that much.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

CML for smeargle x2. yea I'm back again. lol
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Didnt see anything for the smeargles.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C


Would you do my Weavile UD x2 and Pokemon Communication x1 for your less than mint Poke Turn? Lmk. Thanks!
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Interested in anything else? I'd prefer a larger trade.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

HGSS21 Shiny Suicune
SW Suicune (Rotom Holo from Tin)

cml for these please
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

I like the Machamp Prime.
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

how about 2 jirachi RR for them? one of them is Rh
RE: H: Smeargle, RH BTS, TM T/S/S, Holo Energy, RH Lux GL, RH Belt, Poketurn, Garchomp C

Don't like RH. And I prefer to make larger trades as opposed to just trading a couple holos. Something I can add for the Machamp Prime?