• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

(H): Sleeves, HGSS, Lv Xs, and more (W): LV Xs and deck needs COME TRADE!

RE: H: Leafeon X, Gardy X, RH Call Energies W: Darkrai X, Dialga G, Uxie

p8ntchucker7 said:
Jackolas- I don't have the Unown Gs anymore. Sorry.

Toddrick- No your fine. It was the other ridiculous offers that mad me off. This offer is much more realistic. I definitely need those cards that you have. Problem is that I need them by next Saturday. You probably have more refs than me, as I'm new to this site, and I would have to send first. Then I may not get the cards in time and I'll be screwed for the tournament. How many refs do you have?

I am new to the site also (but I have like 3-5 trades in the mail, lol). I can have your cards in the mail tomorrow morning. PM me your info so we can finalize.
RE: H: Leafeon X, Gardy X, RH Call Energies W: Darkrai X, Dialga G, Uxie

p8ntchucker7 said:
Jackolas- I don't have the Unown Gs anymore. Sorry.

I don't want to trade DG.X for Unown Gs anyway! ^^ I mean would you like to make an offer of something else?
RE: H: Leafeon X, Gardy X, RH Call Energies W: Darkrai X, Dialga G, Uxie

Well, you can see what my wants are. Since this is my thread, I would prefer you made the first offer. Thanks.
RE: H: Gardy X, Skymin X, Wash Rotom W: Darkrai MD, Uxie LA

CML for
Carnvine G
Cyrus's Conspiracy.
I don't have any of your wants but please CML.
RE: H: Gardy X, Skymin X, Wash Rotom W: Darkrai MD, Uxie LA

cfourcoltsfan- I like your 2 volkner's, and I have a small interest in your RR rotoms.

darksoul- Do you have any Roseanne's that you would trade?
RE: H: Gardy X, Skymin X, Wash Rotom W: Darkrai MD, Uxie LA

For Carnvine G
2 Volkner's Philosophy(1 RH)
1 Frost Rotom
Carnvine G

Accept or counter.
RE: H: Gardy X, Skymin X, Wash Rotom W: Darkrai MD, Uxie LA

check me for,
Gardy Lv.X
Celebi MT

have Darkrai MD.
also I will need both more than just one take that in mind when cmling.
RE: H: Gardy X, Skymin X, Wash Rotom W: Darkrai MD, Uxie LA

Starforce- I didn't see anything I would trade the Gardevoir Lv X for. I know you said you wanted both, but I would trade the Celebi to you if you still want it. Just let me know.
RE: H: Blaze FB X, Dialga G Lv X, Gardy X W: Rayquaza C Lv X, Darkrai MD, Unown G

Thread bump #1 for the week
RE: H: Blaze FB X, Dialga G Lv X, Gardy X W: Rayquaza C Lv X, Darkrai MD, Unown G

Bump #2 for the week
RE: H: Blaze FB X, Dialga G Lv X, Gardy X W: Rayquaza C Lv X, Darkrai MD, Unown G

Interested in your Gardevoir LvX. I have Night Teleporters, Warp Points, Regice LA and anything else you want me to throw in, just CML.
RE: H: Blaze FB X, Dialga G Lv X, Gardy X W: Rayquaza C Lv X, Darkrai MD, Unown G

yourpimp- Sorry, but I don't think you have enough of my wants for the Gardy X. I have other people interested in it that have some stuff I need. Thanks for your interest though.
RE: H: Blaze FB X, Dialga G Lv X, Gardy X W: Rayquaza C Lv X, Darkrai MD, Unown G

I have raquazza C x I want the blaziken so CML me
