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(H): Sleeves, HGSS, Lv Xs, and more (W): LV Xs and deck needs COME TRADE!

RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

Hey again. I am after the Rare Candy x2 (again xD)
I'll trade these
2 Ponyta SF
2 Rapidash SF
4 Warp Point (MD)
1 VS Seeker
1 Heatran lv.X
for the 2.
RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

emoto - Ok, well then I apologize for getting angry. I don't actually have the Gardevoir Lv X anymore. Just got traded a day or so ago. But let me know if you see anything else you like.

coltsfan - What if we did a small trade like this:

My: Broken Time-Space
Team Galactic's Mars

Your: Warp Point (DP or MD only) x2?

Misa - Well I'm down to 1 Rare Candy now. It's from Holon Phantoms. Let me know if you are still interested.
RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

My: 1-1 Rapidash SF
YOUR: Stark Mountain RH

LMK or counter
RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

p8ntchucker7 said:
emoto - Ok, well then I apologize for getting angry. I don't actually have the Gardevoir Lv X anymore. Just got traded a day or so ago. But let me know if you see anything else you like.

coltsfan - What if we did a small trade like this:

My: Broken Time-Space
Team Galactic's Mars

Your: Warp Point (DP or MD only) x2?

Misa - Well I'm down to 1 Rare Candy now. It's from Holon Phantoms. Let me know if you are still interested.

Well i guess im interested in these
Broken Time-Space
Rare Candy x2
if we can work something out
RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

I have your Unown G x 2 and 6 EM psychic energy.
Want your Palkia G X
RE: H: Gardy X, GG stuff, Rare Candies W: Unown G, Sleeves, Warp Points

I have 1 unown g and 2 snorlax RH. Please CML of wants.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

YourPimp - If you could add in your Warp Point DP, then I'll add in a SSU. PM me if this works for you. Thanks.

emoto - Well you're in competition for those cards right now. Just offer off of my wants list. I just updated it today.

Shakespeare - I only need 1 Unown G, and I'm only interested in HP holo energies. But feel free to make an offer off of my wants list.

Edlittle - I have a Rare Candy off your wants list, among other things. Other people want the candy, but just make an opening offer and we'll go from there, thanks.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

I have unown G. I'll do one for one as many as you want.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

I'm confused, what do you want from my list?
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

I'll do all three for the rare candy and up to 4 H/RH Magikarp, and as many Kakuna RR's as you have. Also, feel free to offer any other trainers.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Your Electrode G for my 2x Forretress G
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Edlittle - If you gave me all 3 of those cards, I still don't know if I would do that trade, but I def wouldn't add anything else in. Plus, I don't have either of those cards, sorry.

ace11 - I don't need any Forretress G. Try to offer off my wants list.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Shakespeare - I just checked your list, and you have a lot of my wants. So maybe we could work something out for one of my Xs. Let me know.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

okay, i'm interested in palkia g x and machamp x. let's try to work something out. i've got

1 Unown G
2 Warp Point (DP or MD only)
2 Team Galactic's Wager
2 rare candies

and more, check my list, but is there anything else i can add in order to get those two cards??? or better yet, what do you want for them both???? i just might be willing to dig into my collection cards to get what you want so i can get what i want...get it? lolz. haha anyways, tell me what you'd give me for the cards above and what i'd need to get both, if anything

RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Can you CML for
Rare Candy
Cyrus's Conspirisy

Maybe for Flying Pikachu
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

pokemon master - Well I do need some of those cards, but I don't need rare candies. I'm really only looking for the things on my wants list. Do you have any Darkrai G, Sableye SF, VS Seeker, Upper Energy, or Roseanne's? And to be honest, I don't think I have enough things on my wants for somene to trade me for both of the Lv X's.

ace - I think all I need from your list is the Unown G, unless you have any of my other wants unlisted.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

p8ntchucker7 said:
pokemon master - Well I do need some of those cards, but I don't need rare candies. I'm really only looking for the things on my wants list. Do you have any Darkrai G, Sableye SF, VS Seeker, Upper Energy, or Roseanne's? And to be honest, I don't think I have enough things on my wants for somene to trade me for both of the Lv X's.

ace - I think all I need from your list is the Unown G, unless you have any of my other wants unlisted.

hmmm good answer. i dont think i'd be able to trade for them then. i dnot have much of your wants other than what i listed.

thanks anyways and come by to check out my cards. i just updated.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Yeah, I'll have to check them out. Thanks for your interest!
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

I use to play blastcatty. However I don''t anymore so I have an unlisted. 4-3-3 or 3-3-3 Blastoise PL and a 2-2 Delcatty (rev holo). Unfortunately the only particularly interesting thing on your list is the rare candy.

LMK if interested
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Well I need a 4-2-3 Blastoise line, and the 2 skittys. Would you have any other of my small wants that you could add in? Maybe 2 Uppers? I also really need 3 Felicity's for that deck. And since you used to play Blastcatty, would you mind checking out the deck list I posted in the modified deck forum? I'm gonna play it with Palkia G X as a backup attacker. Let me know what you think.