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(H): Sleeves, HGSS, Lv Xs, and more (W): LV Xs and deck needs COME TRADE!

RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

p8ntchucker7 said:
Well I need a 4-2-3 Blastoise line, and the 2 skittys. Would you have any other of my small wants that you could add in? Maybe 2 Uppers? I also really need 3 Felicity's for that deck. And since you used to play Blastcatty, would you mind checking out the deck list I posted in the modified deck forum? I'm gonna play it with Palkia G X as a backup attacker. Let me know what you think.

I will check when I get home for the Blastoise line to make sure its correct. I think I might have 3 felicitys. I am unsure about the 2 uppers, as a deal such as this already contains 5 good/useful rares. You forgot about the downside: Rare candy is the only thing on your list that I want.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Well if the deal is good enough then I could let go of one of the Call Energies from my playset. Let me know.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

OK so I checked and I found this. the deal would include
Blastoise PL (x2, rev holo)
Blastoise PL(holo)
Felicity's Drawing (x3)
Upper Energy (x2)
Wartortle PL(x2)
Squirtle PL (x4)
Skitty PL (x3)

I would be willing to trade this for Machamp X and some throw ins.
LMK or counter
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

DJ - Didn't see anything sorry.

Pimp - Ok sounds good. Do you have any extra Warp Points by chance? I could actually use a few DP water energies, as I gave all the ones I had to a buddy of mine. And let me know what stuff you wanted me to add from my list. Thanks.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Sorry I don't have any more warp points left. I will throw in 4 DP Water Energies, and can do:
Machamp X, Rare Candy (x2)
Machamp X, Rare Candy, Call Energy
Machamp X, Call Energy (x2)

LMK or Counter
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Whoa, when you said Machamp X and some throw ins, I assumed Machamp was gonna be your main want, and then some small stuff. But I can't do Machamp X AND rare candy, not to mention call energies. That's way in your favor. And if the felicity's are whats making you ask so much, then I can get those elsewhere. I'm willing to give you "throw ins", but not stuff like your asking for.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

p8ntchucker7 said:
Whoa, when you said Machamp X and some throw ins, I assumed Machamp was gonna be your main want, and then some small stuff. But I can't do Machamp X AND rare candy, not to mention call energies. That's way in your favor. And if the felicity's are whats making you ask so much, then I can get those elsewhere. I'm willing to give you "throw ins", but not stuff like your asking for.

LOL I figured it was too much. But hey it didn't hurt to ask:p
OK How about
Blastoise PL (x2, rev holo)
Blastoise PL(holo)
Wartortle PL(x2)
Squirtle PL (x4)
Skitty PL (x3)
Upper Energy (x2)


Machamp X and Absol SW

Hows that sound or is it still too much?
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Yeah, that would still be too much cuz you took out the Felicity's, and I'm only getting 3 rares and some other stuff that I could have most people throw in to another trade, and I'm giving up a Lv X and a rare. I'm probably one of the few people who is willing to trade a Lv X for a few rares and a bunch of small stuff, cuz I need the stuff. But you gotta still make it worth it. So here's my wants list right now:

3 Blastoise PT
2 Darkrai G
1 Unown G
2 Roseanne's Research
2 Sableye SF
2 Warp Point (DP or MD only)
2 Team Galactic's Wager
2 VS Seeker
4 Squirtle PT
2 Wartortle PT
3 Skitty PT
2 Upper Energies

Just let me know what you have from here and either make another offer, or I'll counter once I know what you have. Thanks.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

p8ntchucker7 said:
Yeah, that would still be too much cuz you took out the Felicity's, and I'm only getting 3 rares and some other stuff that I could have most people throw in to another trade, and I'm giving up a Lv X and a rare. I'm probably one of the few people who is willing to trade a Lv X for a few rares and a bunch of small stuff, cuz I need the stuff. But you gotta still make it worth it. So here's my wants list right now:

3 Blastoise PT
2 Darkrai G
1 Unown G
2 Roseanne's Research
2 Sableye SF
2 Warp Point (DP or MD only)
2 Team Galactic's Wager
2 VS Seeker
4 Squirtle PT
2 Wartortle PT
3 Skitty PT
2 Upper Energies

Just let me know what you have from here and either make another offer, or I'll counter once I know what you have. Thanks.

Man you drive a hard bargain. I will take out the absol and leave at just the Machamp X.

Is there Anything really small you can throw in. Pretty Please;)
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Haha, I just trying to get value for my best cards, and if you want the Machamp X, then you'll have to add in some other things. The Absol is no problem. But even if I just gave you Champ, you're still getting a steal. Cuz you know you would never trade an X for those cards yourself if your honest. I don't mean any hard feelings by any means. I just know which of my cards hold the most value in the general public's eye, and you want the number 1 thing right now, and I'm not even getting that many of my want filled you know?
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

OK. You should be a salesman, cuz you sure know how to negotiate. I wonder if I will be able to make out deals like this to other people. Alot of the time people always used to trade me an uncommon for my 2 rares. But you know the value of cards. If only I wasn't a noob at trading. On a side note a trader right here on pokebeach told me to my face (thread LOL) that a Rare Candy was worth a Cherrim SF!!! Yeah, I know.

Just the Champ then
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Haha, well thanks for the compliment! :)

It's stinks that people try to rip other people off on here. I'll never do that. I always get mad when people give me bogus offer haha!

But I was trying to say that you would have to add in some things to get Machamp X, cuz I'm not really getting my moneys worth. I know other people are interested in it. But I could give you a Rare Candy and the Absol for those things if you want.

I do need 2 Dawn Stadiums and 4 POke Healer+s if you have them. Let me know what you wanna do.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Blastoise PT
Darkrai G

Rare Candy

or counter
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

p8ntchucker7 said:
Haha, well thanks for the compliment! :)

It's stinks that people try to rip other people off on here. I'll never do that. I always get mad when people give me bogus offer haha!

But I was trying to say that you would have to add in some things to get Machamp X, cuz I'm not really getting my moneys worth. I know other people are interested in it. But I could give you a Rare Candy and the Absol for those things if you want.

I do need 2 Dawn Stadiums and 4 POke Healer+s if you have them. Let me know what you wanna do.

If I add in 2 dawn stadiums and a felicity's then would it be enough for the Champ X.

LOL starting to feel like I am trading an entire deck for one card.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Pimp - Your: Blastoise PL (x2, rev holo)
Blastoise PL(holo)
Wartortle PL(x2)
Squirtle PL (x4)
Skitty PL (x3)
Upper Energy (x2)
Dawn Stadium (x2)
Felicity's Drawing
DP Water Energy (x4)

My: Machamp X

So then that would be the deal right? If so, then yeah PM me. And don't feel like your getting ripped, cuz those are all small things besides the Blastoise. You won't find many people who will trade a Lv X for those things. If you have any Lv X, don't let people rip you off haha!!

emoto - I should be getting all the Blastoise I need from the trade above. Do you have anything else off my wants list though? Just let me know, thanks.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

I have:
1x Felicity's Drawing (JPN)
1x Unown G (JPN)

I need your:
1x Broken Time-Space
1x Rare Candy.

Is it ok?
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Sorry, but no way. Japanese cards are not valued highly by most people, and you want very good English cards for them. So no thank you.
RE: H: Palkia G X, Machamp X, Rare Candy W: Unown G, Roseanne's, and Small Stuff

Then how about these 2 cards and sth else from my list for Rare Candy & Broken Time-Space?