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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I need three of the Energy Gain, and the one Cyrus.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

could u cml for these?
Mow Rotom
Heat Rotom
Fan Rotom
Freeze Rotom

i also have these
x2 rocket's scyther
syther plt sr
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Oh and Vile: I sent the cards today! Hope you gettem soon! :)

Sounds good. If you could PM me your address and post in my thread confirming the change (like before), that'd be great.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

LoneT-tar- Can I do 1 energy gain and 1 RF Cyrus's Conspiracy?
Giggaran- I do like Rocket's Scyther, but I'm not sure if I would trade Rotoms for it. Is there anything else you like?
Vile- Will do! :p
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Well i would prefer three since i only really need three more Energy Gain before my deck is done, i would rather trade for all of them at once then split up my trades.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Alrighty then, I'll try to trade for some on Sunday.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

my mesprit lvX, your mewtwo lv X and RF machamp, also CML for possible mewtwos and gengar SF
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Oh no thanks i got the cards but do you have any floatzel Gl
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I'm trading my only one right now, unfortunately. Is there anything else you like?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Could need the following cards:

2 SP Radar
3 Galactic HQ
3 Broken Time-Space
3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Energy Gain
3 Power Spray
2 Poké Turn
4 Flint's Willpower
2 Roseannes Research

Could offer:

1 Rocket's Scyther (Gym Heoes)
1 Dark Scizor (Neo Destiny) (german langue)
1 Scyther (Firered and leafgreen non-holo)
1 Scyther (Jungle non-holo) (german langue)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

1 Broken Timespace, and 1 Flint's Will Power is all I can find on me. Is there anything else you like? BTW is Rocket's Scyther 1st Edition , or Unlimited, and is it Mint?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Since it isn't stated there it ins't 1st. The condition is mint ~ near mint. So you don't see anything when in a sleeve. (Haven't taken it out of the slevee for more than 4 years ;P)
I'll check your list.
Intressted in the other cards too, or only the rocket's?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Yeah, the FR/LG Scyther, and possibly the German Dark Scizor as well.

Kash- Really? I'm sorry about that... :/ I am unable to trade Mewtwo, as I have already traded it with someone else, but I do have MD Mewtwo for trade, and possibly Gengars and Machamp SF RH as well.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I'll tell you later what I could need. Bit sleepy, so not best time for me to trade ;P (It's 00:16 in Germany)
Also then you can decide if you want the dark scizor or not.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Well I definitly need as many Gengar and Machamps as possible LMK immediatly thanks :)