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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I do have Cyrus and Energy Gain. In fact, Cyrus is RF. Would you be willing to trade one of those cards for those 2?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Sounds like a deal Vespa! I'll PM you the details!

Vile: I really can't do Machamp. As it turns out, it probably won't be coming in the mail, and I need it in my deck...!!

Lol. Well, what Lv. X do you have? Or can we just do cash?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Mewtwo and Drapion come to mind...
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

How much do you value the Drapion at?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

About $14, from what I see on ebay.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Well, it would be listed at $8.50 in my store, given that other stores have them at $8.88 (and auctions even cheaper). I could give you credit for the $8.50 for the card, leaving the cash balance at $10.50 if you'd like.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Hm... Alright then. I recall you said Mewtwo was $12, right?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Correct. Anything you need to make up for the $1.50?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Hm... How much would your Rocket's Scyther be? My friend might be bailing on me...
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Hm... How much would your Rocket's Scyther be? My friend might be bailing on me...

A lot more than $1.50/
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

It's listed right now in my store for $17, but I would be willing to drop it to $15 (the two cheaper sellers offer played copies at $5 and $10, if interested). It's a 1st Ed copy.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Drat, that IS a lot more than I thought... Are you able to send the $1.50 in the mail? :O
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Drat, that IS a lot more than I thought... Are you able to send the $1.50 in the mail? :O

You're not a verified seller, and I don't buy. :\ Do you want the non holo Base 2 Scyther (or even a holo version?). I also have the Jungle in unlimited and 1st Ed.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Ah, I forgot! ...How much for Holo/non Holo Base 2 Scyther?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Holo for $2.50, non holo for $0.75.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Alright, then I'll send the buck in the mail for the holo! Glad we got this worked out! What is the final queue of cards I am getting and what I am trading for?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Alright, then I'll send the buck in the mail for the holo! Glad we got this worked out! What is the final queue of cards I am getting and what I am trading for?

Lol, read back and tell me. :p I have to remove the Scyther listing.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Error Scyther
Scyther- Neo Discovery, #46/75
Holo Scizor- Neo Discovery, #10/75
The Rocket's Training Gym- Gym Heroes #104/132 Scyther- Neo Destiny, #55/105
Dark (Holo anyway) Scizor- Neo Destiny, #9/105
WOTC Promo Scyther
WOTC Promo Scizor
Bugsy's Scizor- VS
Base 2 Holo Scyther

For my
Regigigas, Drapion, and Giratina X, plus $1

Is that right?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Error Scyther
Scyther- Neo Discovery, #46/75
Holo Scizor- Neo Discovery, #10/75
The Rocket's Training Gym- Gym Heroes #104/132
Scyther- Neo Destiny, #55/105
Dark (Holo anyway) Scizor- Neo Destiny, #9/105
WOTC Promo Scyther
WOTC Promo Scizor
Bugsy's Scizor- VS
Base 2 Holo Scyther

For my
Regigigas, Drapion, and Giratina X, plus $1

Is that right?

Right off the bat, you owe me a Mewtwo too.