• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Hmm... There's not anything I really need, although I do like your Mowtom.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I now have a Bugsy's Scizor for trade (although again, no Scizor). Also, I have Scythers and Scizors from Base 1 - Legendary (there are many, both holo and non) if you'd care to make a list of the ones you need.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Awesome! Bugsy's Scizor is a card I've really been looking for, and this will help me a lot! Also, I know that Scyther was reprinted, but when was Scizor reprinted?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Hey, would you do:


Heat Rotom
+maybe something else?


RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Awesome! Bugsy's Scizor is a card I've really been looking for, and this will help me a lot! Also, I know that Scyther was reprinted, but when was Scizor reprinted?

Again, never ever heard of Bugsy's Scyther (I just Bulbapedia'd it and had no luck there either). The Bugsy's Scizor only comes with the VS Set. Make me that list of Scythers and Scizors (holo and non) so I can check on those for you too! :)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Shiny lotad and Dakrai G for Fantom and SP radar LMK or counter offer thanks
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Unfortunately, right now I can't ship to the U.K., as the shipping is too much for me. Sorry about that Kash. :/
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

vilebaseball said:
darksoulSP said:
Awesome! Bugsy's Scizor is a card I've really been looking for, and this will help me a lot! Also, I know that Scyther was reprinted, but when was Scizor reprinted?

Again, never ever heard of Bugsy's Scyther (I just Bulbapedia'd it and had no luck there either). The Bugsy's Scizor only comes with the VS Set. Make me that list of Scythers and Scizors (holo and non) so I can check on those for you too! :)

I know that now. I now realize I mistook a Scyther I saw in Japanese as Bugsy's, so I'm sure it doesn't exist. I meant the Legenday set you were talking about: I know a Scyther got reprinted, but you said a Scizor was reprinted as well...

Anthony: I'm not sure right now. I really like my Rotom cards right now, but I might do something like that, just give me some time.

Kash: I'm not sure about it even if I could ship. I'm getting a box in a week, and I'm sure I'll pull a Drakrai G or two...
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

I edited you in the last post. Sorry Kash...
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
vilebaseball said:
darksoulSP said:
Awesome! Bugsy's Scizor is a card I've really been looking for, and this will help me a lot! Also, I know that Scyther was reprinted, but when was Scizor reprinted?

Again, never ever heard of Bugsy's Scyther (I just Bulbapedia'd it and had no luck there either). The Bugsy's Scizor only comes with the VS Set. Make me that list of Scythers and Scizors (holo and non) so I can check on those for you too! :)

I know that now. I now realize I mistook a Scyther I saw in Japanese as Bugsy's, so I'm sure it doesn't exist. I meant the Legenday set you were talking about: I know a Scyther got reprinted, but you said a Scizor was reprinted as well...

Anthony: I'm not sure right now. I really like my Rotom cards right now, but I might do something like that, just give me some time.

Kash: I'm not sure about it even if I could ship. I'm getting a box in a week, and I'm sure I'll pull a Drakrai G or two...

Well, off the top of my head (I know there are more) I can think of Scyther in Jungle (Holo and Non), Base 2 (Holo and Non), Two Neo Sets (Non Holo), Scizor in two Neo Sets (One Holo and Non, one just Holo), etc. Check the homepage (www.pokebeach.com) and run through the lists of scans from those old sets, pull out the Scythers and Scizors you need, and list em for me.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

Oh, I just sent it... >_<

Well anyway, here it is again:
Error Scyther
Scyther- Neo Discovery, #46/75
Holo Scizor- Neo Discovery, #10/75
The Rocket's Training Gym- Gym Heroes #104/132
Scyther- Neo Destiny, #55/105
Dark Scizor- Neo Destiny, #9/105
WOTC Promo Scyther
WOTC Promo Scizor

How much for all of these?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, updated with new RR Prerelease cards

darksoulSP said:
Oh, I just sent it... >_<

Well anyway, here it is again:
Error Scyther
Scyther- Neo Discovery, #46/75
Holo Scizor- Neo Discovery, #10/75
The Rocket's Training Gym- Gym Heroes #104/132
Scyther- Neo Destiny, #55/105
Dark Scizor- Neo Destiny, #9/105
WOTC Promo Scyther
WOTC Promo Scizor

How much for all of these?

Lol. It's cool. You've already traded for some of these, so remove them from your list. Also, no Base 2 Scyther or anything?
