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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

japanese scizor sf
2 xpert belt

palkia g x

plz ask for more
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Hey would you trade your Cresselia lvl X for Sally X and something else from my list? Thanks much!
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

hey, im interested in your flygon x and/or dialga g x, i have the following from your wants:
expert belts (2 rh), many spiritombs (5 rh), 2 bts (1 rh), 2 cyrus conspiracy (both rh), 2 egains (both rh), 1 sp radar rh

CML if i have more, lmk if we can work something out
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

i'm interested in your flygon lv x. reaaaaaaalllly badly.

i have salamence lv x still for trade, Gallade SW reverse holo, 3 arceus, and 2 BT. CML for anything else and LMK if we can work something out for it.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Dragonair State
Heatran Regional
Heatran Regional Staffi will trade you a reprint electabuzz and charmander for these as well as a shimy swablu
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Wishirulz: One of the Rotoms for Shiny Shinx?
its geo: Can I see your list so I can counter?
DooDooDa: How about my Dialga G and Pokedex for your Scyther Reprint?
TradeAccount: How about my Dialga GX and 2 Pokedrawer for Luxray X?
ShadowOrganoid: Do you have any holo energies for trade?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

darksoulSP said:
TradeAccount: How about my Dialga GX and 2 Pokedrawer for Luxray X?

dialga g isnt a major want of mine, so i wouldnt trade lux for it. do you want any of the cards that i have from your wants for the dgx or flygon x?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

I'll do that but i really need fan, wash and charon's choice
I have gardevoir SW (RH) and a bunch of arceus cards
I could do
+ 2 other cards

1x fan rotom
1x wash rotom
1x charon's choice
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

CML for flygon X and do u have any unlisted roseannes research?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Please CML for zam X.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

CML for Dialga G X and Staraptor FB X, please.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

cml for Infernape 4 Lv.X and Uxie Lv. X
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Please CML for Uxie X. Thanks!
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

TradeAccount: Can I do some other X for Luxray X?
Coolo: How about my Zam X and something else for DGX?
Ian: I posted on your thread.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

I really just need uxie X now.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Is there anything else? I don't think I can do Uxie X right now.

Cat-O: What did you want to trade again?