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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

darksoulSP said:
TradeAccount: Can I do some other X for Luxray X?

i recently traded away the lux x. do you want those cards that i have from your wants? lmk
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

i ahve these:

Salamence X
Gengar X
Expert Belts
Spirtomb PA
Any Arceus card
Luxray GL X
Uxie X
Gardevoir SW
Gallade SW
Roseanne's Research
All SP trainers/Cyrus's Conspiracy RH
Claydol GE
Rare Candies

i like these
Electivire FB
Infernape 4
Lucario (Tin)
Lucario (pack)
Alakazam 4
Empoleon (pack)
Floatzel GL
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

darksoulSP said:
Is there anything else? I don't think I can do Uxie X right now.

Cat-O: What did you want to trade again?

No, that's all. Sorry.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

How about Snorelax X and Alakazam 4X for Luxray GL X?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

darksoulSP said:
How about Snorelax X and Alakazam 4X for Luxray GL X?

.....no offense friend.....but no way.....at all.....ever.....lol.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Well I need that Luxray, and I figured 2 for 1 is reasonable enough... What would I have to throw in?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Please CML for Floatzel GL Lv.X.
Now, when you say holo energies, do you mean the ones from a specific set (HP or EM)?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

I have:

x1 Salamence X
x1 Rare Candy

I like:

Dialga G X
Uxie X
Flygon X

Let's get a deal done! :)
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

No set in particular. How many and of what kind do you have? :)

I don't need Sally enough to trade any of those for it, sorry!
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Hey. I have Salamence X, Scyther EX (RS), Scizor EX, Scyther Jungle 1st ed., Metal Arceus, and JPN Scyther (from vending machine). I'm interested in your Flygon X.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Hey, I have Salamence Lv X, Spiritombs, and Expert Belts. I'm interested in your Dialga G Lv X and Gallade 4 Lv X.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

p8nt: Actually, I might do it for all of those Scythers and Scizors. Let me see if I can get a spare from my friend.

Rarecandy: I'm sorry, but I don't need Sallamence that badly. :/
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

darksoulSP said:
p8nt: Actually, I might do it for all of those Scythers and Scizors. Let me see if I can get a spare from my friend.

Rarecandy: I'm sorry, but I don't need Sallamence that badly. :/

I can add in a bunch of Spiritombs and Expert Belts though.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Ok cool. Let me know as soon as you know. I also read that you have a Donphan Prime. I would add the Sally X and Metal Arceus to get that as well if that interests you.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

My Scyther ex for your Donphan Prime, LMK. If not, CML. I will add more especially if you have any Charizard PA.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

CML for Donphan Prime and Feraligatr Prime. i have roseanne's research, claydol, hgss sleeves and more
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies


I'm interested in...
x1 Electabuzz PL (Secret Rare)
x1 Brock's Ninetails

I have some Expert Belts for trade. Also, could you see my list for the cards I'm interested in?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Gengar Lv. X
4x Power Spray
1x Psychic Energy (Holo/Emerald)

Flygon Lv. X

LMK please, or check my list to counter.