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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

Palkia G Lv.X
Machamp Lv.X
Flygon Lv.X

Please CML for these. Thanks.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

My Palkia GX, something

Your Shiny Vulpix, Gengar X
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

I have:

Typhlosion holo
Feraligatr holo
Donphan Prime
Tyranitar Prime
Typhlosion Prime Tin
Kingdra Prime

For your:

Machamp X
Flygon X

LMK sir.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

How about Donphan Prime, T-tar Prime, and Kingdra Prime for Machamp X? I value it a bit high for next format.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

darksoulSP said:
How about Donphan Prime, T-tar Prime, and Kingdra Prime for Machamp X? I value it a bit high for next format.

A bit high!?!?! That's ridiculous! A Machamp Lv.X is 15$. I don't even have a T-Tar Prime, a Donphan Prime is 10$, and a Kingdra Prime is 15$! (And I'm low-balling the Kingdra.) I could easily trade a Kingdra Prime alone for a Machamp Lv.X.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

Rikko: Thanks for your time. :)

Delta: How about my Steelix Prime, 2 PONT, Lucario C, and 1 Collector for Kingdra and Crobat Prime? :)
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

New bump for the week!
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

I no longer have Kingdra Prime. I no longer want Steelix Prime. I now want DGX, 2 PONT and 1 collector.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

CML for the following cards

1x Machamp X (Whats the condition)
1x Flygon X
1x Machamp (SF)(RH)
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

Could you please give me my ref?

and CML for
Machamp Lv.X
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card and holo out my deck. Updated, with Regirock *!

Sure thing! And do you mind if it is damaged?
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Hi there. I'm interested in your Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Flygon X, Gengar X. I have 3 tyranitar Primes, and a bunch of other stuff (feel free to CML).

Would you be willing to part with any/all of the X's I listed above for Ttars and/or other stuff from my list? LMK. Thanks.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Please CML for Blastoise Nationals and Regirock *.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Haunter: I could go Flygon X for 2 T-tar Primes. :)
Eevee: How about Nats Blastoise for the old Victory Medal?
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Cool, I can do that. Is there anything else you liked from my list? I'd really like to try and get the gengar too, if you see more you like. LMK. If not, then just LMK or PM me and we'll confirm the trade.
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

plz cml for
Dialga G x
Palkia G x
Machamp (A bit damaged but very playable) x
Flygon (I value a lot)x

Gengar x
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Steelix Kid: Flygon X, Palkia G X, and Machamp X for Luxray GL X.

Sorry Haunter, nothing else I need. Thanks though! PM me! :)
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

darksoulSP said:
Steelix Kid: Flygon X, Palkia G X, and Machamp X for Luxray GL X.

Sorry Haunter, nothing else I need. Thanks though! PM me! :)

no i would rather do two ttar primes
and something else for flygon x i could a ursaring prime to or something
RE: Help me collect every Prerelease card. Trading well for an RH Machamp line!

Do you have any RH cards I need?