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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! Has Sealed Southern Islands Japanese stuff!

Checking last page...
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

Hi. From your wants, I have a RH Twins, RDL Legend Full, Machamp X, and 2 Gengar SF. I'm interested in your Gengar X, Dialga G X, and/or Palkia G X. Feel free to cml for other stuff, and lmk if theres anything we can work out.
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

My Palkia GX + a rare
Your DPL Full and RH Twins

Let me know if this works! :)
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

CML for the following


Level Xs
Infernape 4
Dialga G
Palkia G
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

I didn't see DPL on your wants. I only have 1 full of DPL. Its tradable, but, I'm pretty much reserving it for trades involving my TR wants. I have multiple fulls of Ray/Deoxys Legend, though.

Also, I'm most interested in Gengar X. DGX second, PGX third. Ideally, I'd love to trade for all 3. But Gengar is my top priority. :)
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

1x Vileplume UD
2x Legend Box

Machamp SF
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

Chao: Add Scizor UD Holo and Scyther Bse 2 and you've got a deal! :)
Haunter: My Palkia GX, Vileplume UD, and Expert Belt for your DPL full and Twins RH
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

1x RH Communications
1x RH Engineer's
x1 Premeire Ball RH
1-1 Staraptor FB X
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

Can I see your trade list Azelf? It isn't in your sig.
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W: Gengar Prime!! H:Sealed Southern Islands

Do you have any holo Special metals? If so, could you CML for 4?
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

I do have RH Special Metals. Do you have any RH Hunters or Twins?
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

Sadly, I do not. Sorry, man.
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

CML for kingdra prime and palkia g x
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

1 RH cyndaquil
2x Legend Box
DCL top
Gengar SF

Dialga G Level X

RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

I responded to everyone
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

Please CML for:

2 Japanese Victory Medals! One Silver, one gold!
RE: Trading Vileplumes for Staples and Merch! W Hunter/Twins RH H:Sealed Southern Islands

Unfotunately, nothing I need.