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[H]Staples! [W]Rampardos stuff, Fighting energy!

RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!



Now have Flygon Lv.X, Snorlax Lv.X, and Wash Rotom for trade!
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

Hey, I am interested in:

2 Shiftry RR
1 Aggron RR (RH)

I have:

2 Alakazam 4
RR Trainers (Ask)
Various RR stuff (CML and ask)

CML and LMK!
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

I'm interested in the 2 Alakazam 4, 2 Volkner's(if any), Roserade GL, and Jirachi RR RH.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

Hmm. . . How about 2 Alakazam for Aggron, and maybe Roserade GL for Shiftry . . .?
Volkner's, is like the only one I don't have extras of, I have Bertha's, Lucian's, Aaron's, Flint's, SP Radar, Sunnyshore, Contest hall, and a lot of upper. (Like 6)

Can I maybe add a couple of those to the Roserade for the Shiftry, or are you not interested?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

Hmm...how about this?

Aggron RH

2 Alakazam 4
Roserade GL
2 Flint's
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]RR and Alakazam 4 Lv.X[H]Flygon Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

cml for
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

kevkev77777: Sorry, nothing.

BUMP. Updated with a bunch of new wants.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

cml for Torterra Lv.x snorlax lv x
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

Pokefan, please CML for Palkia GX. I have Banette PT and Felicity's...
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

bob: I saw Banette PT, 2x Shuppet PT, and Mismagius GL Lv.X. Those for Snorlax Lv.X?

darksoul: I saw Dialga G Lv.X. If you want anything else for the Banette and Felicity's, just tell me.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

sorry cant trade the mismagius right now it is pending

need the torterra more
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

bob: Gardevoir Lv.X? And no, I do not have any for trade.

darksoul: I saw Dialga G Lv.X. If you want anything else for the Banette and Felicity's, just tell me.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

Errr, I can't do Dialga GX though... Are there any SRs I could add to make the trade more fair?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

gardevoir lv x for what exactly
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

bob: The Torterra. If not, what could I add to get it?

darksoul: Let me think about it. I'm not that much of a fan of Lv.X for non Lv.X trades.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

:( Alrighty! Let me know if you want to!
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

do you have a RH nidoking from RR or any of my other wants
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Easy Stuff! [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Wash Rotom!

The only other things I have on your wants list are Ivysaur SW, Bulbasaur SW, Quilava MT, and 2 Energy Switch.