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H:tons of great cards W: x3scizor prime, x4 luxray gl lv.x x3 char-line sf secretrare

CML for the following


x2 luxray gl rr
x2 blaziken fb sv (1rh)
x8 garchomp C sv (5 regionals promo)
x2 crobat g plt (2rh)
x1 ambipom g rr rh
x1 promocroak
x11 cyrus's conspiracy plt 2rh
x3 power spray plt 1rh
x5 energy gain plt 1rh
azelf master--yea, or do u have any KGL pieces?

konter--pm to confirm

80baby-- do u have any collectors? i liked x2 houndoom prime
Would you do your RH Power Spray for my Donphan Prime? LMK or counter.
How about this

2x Houndoom PRIME
2x Pokemon Collector

1x Promocroak
2x Cyrus Conspiracy (RH)
1x Energy Gain (RH)

Feel free to counter
Hi there,
I'm interested in these (if MINT)

Azelf Lv. X
Mesprit Lv. X

I'm also somewhat interested in your *'s. I have these from your wants:

Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND (Full)
Jumpluff x2
Donphan Prime

PLMK what we can do. thanks!
Butterfly719--could you do my promocroak for your: 1-1 k/g legend and a donphan prime? please lmk

spardan-- do you have any pokemon collector?

How about this

2x Houndoom PRIME
2x Pokemon Collector

1x Promocroak
2x Cyrus Conspiracy (RH)
1x Energy Gain (RH)

Feel free to counter
Hi!I am from Croatia.

I have Charizard SF Reprint.

I need:

Vileplume UD 2x
Lanturn Prime 2x

ape--sorry, im not really looking to trade alot for them, just a side thing

80baby--well, im very attatched to my sp engine and promocroak, but would u do this?

x1 promocroak
x2 houndoom prime
x1 donphan prime
x2 unown q rh

counter if needed