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H: TONS of staples+primes with ex's and lv.x's!!! W: merchandise, sleeves, and to CYL

DarkPkmnTrainer said:

Rdl full
Rh emboar
Rh pignite
Tepig promo 7


Mew prime x2
Kingdra prime x2
Tyrannitar prime

I think I'll have to pass on this. Thanks for the offer though and feel free to counter!

.::n00bmuffin::. said:

Nice!! Now just make me an offer :D

I will trade for holon phantoms ones to if you have any. I'm on vacation right now so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to you again. Srry :p
I'm interested in:
2x Kingdra Prime
Maybe some T/S/S

Do you have anything else from my wants?

I have:
1x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Full (Not sure if I can trade it you)
1x Emboar #20 (Abililty) (RH)
1x Magnemite TM (RH)

So yeah, check my list and let me know if you find anything else you need and also if you have anymore of my wants. Thanks! =D
I only have one kingdra left I think. My list is slightly outdated. I don't need emboar anymore and I'll probably be looking for reshirams and donchamp stuff.
ndrewzorz said:
I only have one kingdra left I think. My list is slightly outdated. I don't need emboar anymore and I'll probably be looking for reshirams and donchamp stuff.
Well, let me know when you update your haves and wants I guess. I can probably trade you some Donchamp stuff. =)