• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

I'm interested in your Lucario Pop 8,1 Garchomp Pop 9, and Regigigas Pop 9.

I have 4 Great Ball(2 RH SF,2 DS)The RHs are scratched.
1 VS Seeker FRLG
1 Machamp SF
1 Flygon RR nonhlo

Eevee - Would you be interested in

1 Lucario Pop 8
1 Garchomp Pop 9
1 Regigigas Pop 9

2 Great Ball (RH or not... scratched is fine)
1 VS Seeker FRLG
1 Machamp SF
1 Flygon RR nonhlo

Please feel free to counter.

Superwolfe - You asked which LvX's were in tins. A fellow PokeBeacher helped me out... here's the answer

Platinum -
Shaymin [Sky Forme]
Dialga GE

Rising Rivals -
No tins

Supreme Victors -
Rayquaza C
Garchomp C
Charizard G

As I mentioned... here are some of my thoughts ---

I saw all of your newer LvX's that I was interested in... I need to check which ones will be in tins... I have two ideas --

....Idea 1 -

....RR or SV LvX that is to be released in a tin
....1 additonal SV rare
....2 VS Seekers
....Magmortar LvX

....Idea 2 -

....RR or SV LvX that is not going to be released in a tin
....2 VS Seekers
....Magmortar LvX
....Other cards
RE: [W] SF Machamp, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] RR Shiftry and 6 Other Cards

check me for,
Gardevoir Lv.X
SW Weavile (X2, 1RH)
SW Suicune (X2, 2RH)

have machamp/great balls/and darkrai.
RE: [W] SF Machamp, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] RR Shiftry and 6 Other Cards

Hi, CML for

Time-Space Distortion
Torterra LvX(Pack)
Infernape LvX
Magmortar LvX
Empoleon LvX (Pack)
Dusknoir Lvx
Alakazam 4 LvX
Lucario LvX (Pack)
Magnezone LvX (Pack)


Shadow Ice – I have a few SF Machamps that I could trade, but I am more interested in picking one more up (Also, I won’t CYL since you have no link to your thread.)

Starforce LvX – I am interested in discussing a possible trade involving my 2 RH SW Suicunes… I think the maybe 2 Suicunes for a SF Machamp and… something else would be a fair trade for both of us… (The “something else” being a rare like SF Cherrim, MD Darkrai, or a different rare – or perhaps 1 or 2 trainers – I would especially like to see a VS Seeker) Please let me know if you think we may be able to “connect” Thank you!

1Pokemon Master – I could do an Empoleon LvX (pack) for a couple rares – possibly SF Machamp (crease) and MD Empoleon

Thank you!

- Hypno68
RE: [W] SV Staraptor FB, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

Would you trade your Time Space Distortion for my Giritina LV X(pack) or Dusknoir LV X and Machamp SF?
RE: Responses

Hypno68 said:
Shadow Ice – I have a few SF Machamps that I could trade, but I am more interested in picking one more up (Also, I won’t CYL since you have no link to your thread.)

Starforce LvX – I am interested in discussing a possible trade involving my 2 RH SW Suicunes… I think the maybe 2 Suicunes for a SF Machamp and… something else would be a fair trade for both of us… (The “something else” being a rare like SF Cherrim, MD Darkrai, or a different rare – or perhaps 1 or 2 trainers – I would especially like to see a VS Seeker) Please let me know if you think we may be able to “connect” Thank you!

1Pokemon Master – I could do an Empoleon LvX (pack) for a couple rares – possibly SF Machamp (crease) and MD Empoleon

Thank you!

- Hypno68

so you're suggesting

Machamp SF (with a small crease)
Empoleon MD

Empoloeon (Pack, NON Promo) is this card near mint? are there any creases, stains, or any other problems with it?

if the card is near mint condition, we might have a deal.

also, what are you looking for the Time Space Distortion? i have other cards not listed.

RE: [W] SV Staraptor FB, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

CML for, Typhlosion MT, Mewtwo Lv.X, Bronzong MD, Blaziken GE.

eevee – No thank you, TSD is worth too much to trade for those, sorry.

1Pokemon_Master – Yes the pack Empoleon is mint. I have a Pack and a Promo and don't need both. I would be interested in trading the pack Emploeon LvX for your SF Machamp (crease) and MD Empoleon. I'll PM you soon to discuss this further.

YourP1MP – I didn't see anything for Typhlosion MT, Mewtwo Lv.X, Bronzong MD, or Blaziken GE. Sorry

Thank you!

- Hypno68
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

check me for,
Alakazam 4 Lv.X
Weavile SW x2
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!


Hey Starforce Lv.X - I saw Shaymin Land Form LvX... perhaps a 1-to-1 trade Shaymin/Alakazam (?) Interested ?

Starforce Lv.X said:
check me for,
Alakazam 4 Lv.X
Weavile SW x2
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

CML for:
Magmortar Lv.X
Gardevoir Lv.X
Porygon-Z Lv.X
Dusknoir Lv.X
Leafeon MD (Both)
And any spare Eevee
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

My Charizard G Lv.X for your TSD?
5 LvXs

Hi Jackolas!

I am interested in -

Luxray GL LvX
2 SV Butterfree FB
RR Jirachi
PT Blastoise
PT Weavile G
2 SF Machamp
SF Kingdra
2 GE Sceptile
SW Gardevoir
SW Gallade

For the 13 cards listed above, I would be willing to trade the following 9 cards -

Magmortar Lv.X
Gardevoir Lv.X
Porygon-Z Lv.X
Dusknoir Lv.X
MD Leafeon 24 (Spiral Drain)
4 Eevees (MD 62, MD 63, MD 63, RR 59)

Please mull it over and get back to me at your convenience.

Thank you.

- Hypno68

Jackolas said:
CML for:
Magmortar Lv.X
Gardevoir Lv.X
Porygon-Z Lv.X
Dusknoir Lv.X
Leafeon MD (Both)
And any spare Eevee
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

I need 2 of your Machamps. Feel free to look at my haves and contact me if you find anything.
RE: [W] RR Jirachi, RR Flygon, MD Darkrai [H] Dusknoir LvX and 4 other cards!

i have garchomp lv. x, jirachi rr, and flygon rr, interested in gardevoir lv. x and dusknoir lv. x, i'd prefer not to trade garchomp for any of those though, but maybe if the deal is good enough