• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


- - - -

CFOURCOLTSFAN - I think I'm interested in doing that... let me think about it for a day or two, OK?

kevkev77777 -
Thank you for the offer! I'm going to pass, but I do appreciate you looking.
- - - - - - -

cheetor586- Thank you... I'll keep you in mind for buying.
kevkev77777 -
Even with those out... there's a few too many cards I might have a significant use for... I'm still going to pass, but thank you.
RE: New Post for two SW Gardevoirs

i am interested in your azelf and mesprint-LA. i have 1 SW gardy

*EDIT* do you happen to have a LA uxie also??


I also like these.

MT Garchomp (1RH)
GE Togekiss (X2)
LA Dragonite (2RH)
LA Delcatty (2RH)
LA Ditto (X2)
LA Rayquaza
SW Venusaur (X3)
SW Weavile (1RH)
SW Suicune (X2, 2RH)
GE Lapras (RH)
LA Crawdaunt (X3)
LA Kyogre (2RH)
MT Uxie
GE Slowking (1RH)
LA Mesprit
LA Azelf
LA Groudon (RH)
LA Armaldo (2RH)
SF Machamp (X2)
PT Dialga
RE: Looking for 2 SW Gardevoirs

Hey umbreonchamp! Thank you for your post and (especially) your subsequent re-post... (I agree with what you're thinking... any LA Pixie is too much for an ol' SW Gardevoir)

I wonder if you're interested in...
1 RH LA Dragonite
1 RH LA Delcatty
SW Gardevoir
(Or... 2 RH Dragonites... or 2 RH Delcatty... basically mix-and-match)

Please PM me if interested.
RE: Looking for 2 SW Gardevoirs

I have 1 Gardy SW and am intreasted in your Alakzam 4 Lv.X. I can addi other stuff so is there any other stuff that you are intreasted in?
RE: Looking for 2 SW Gardevoirs

Hi PokeKid Brandon!

I'm thinking that I might be interested in a $2 to $3 SW Gardevoir as a throw-in in a LvX/LvX trade... but I don't think I'd start with a "base" of SW Gardevoir for Alakazam 4 LvX.
RE: Looking for 2 SW Gardevoirs

Ok SO I kind of like your :Alakzam 4 lv.x dusknior lv.x and shiny voltorb. I dont really need the voltorb but it's just kinda a collection want. You were intreasted in the gardy. Here is a list of my lv.X's that I have for trade:
Lucario LV.x Pack
magmortar lv.x
electvire lv.x
porygon z lv.x
magnezone lv.x
Dilaga G lv.x
Skymin lv.x PACK
Infernape lv.x
Hippowdon Lv.X
Mersprit LV.x
Azelf LV.X
Mewtwo Lv.X (pack)
RE: Looking for 2 SW Gardevoirs

hello hypno!

i was wondering if you would cml
im interested in your:
dusknoir DP, groudon LA, rayquaza LA, jirachi LA,
they are to finish a binder im working on
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Please CML for these:

MD Aerodactyl (X3, 2RH)
LA Yanmega (X3)
PT #15 Shaymin
PT #38 Shaymin
MD #20 Glaceon (X2) (for my collection only, only if you're willing to just throw them in a deal)
LA Mamoswine (X4)
Dusknoir Lvx
Alakazam 4 LvX
LA Giratina
SF Bronzong
PT #10 Giratina
PT #27 Giratina (X2)
BK Promo Lucario
POP 6 Lucario
POP 8 Lucario
Magnezone LvX (Pack)
SF Magnezone

Please and thank you ^o^
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Any of these:
Empoleon Lv.X (TIN)
Lucario Lv.X (Pack)
Porygon-Z Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X

for Alakzam 4 Lv.X?
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Hi Hypno, could you please CML for Porygon-Z Lv. X and Magmortar Lv. X. Thanks!
7/29/09 Responses


rappermi - We've been PM'ing each other

PMJ - I didn't see anything upon first glance... I'll try to check back to your thread when I have a bit more time. I noticed that you gave a thumbs up on a proposal I posted earlier this month. I'll try to get back to you soon.

PokeKid Brandon
- No, thank you. I guess I don't know what I'm looking for specifically, but chances are that I'll wait a few weeks to try to trade Alakazam 4 LvX for one of the new X's

- I saw Shaymin Land Form LvX... I could add cards to my side to go with either Porygon-Z LvX or Magmortar LvX. Any interest?

- Hi! Sorry, I didn't see anything for LA Azelf.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

I like your Azelf LA, and Umbreon MD RH x1. I have 2 great balls and 2 Unown G. If you wanna see my other haves, use this link: http://www.pojo.biz/board/showthread.php?t=721328