• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Would you be interested in
Frost Rotom
Rosanne's Research

Sceptile GE
Beautifly PT
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

SrSpoony - Thank you for your post -- tempting, but, no thank you on the Frost Rotom & Roseanne's Research for GE Sceptile & PT Beautifly
kashmaster - I did not see anything for the GE Claydol, sorry
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

how about those two for just the sceptile? Or counter
LMK Thanks!
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Interested in your RH Azelf LA.

I've got a couple of Drapion 4, I think. CML. =]
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

SrSpoony - Yes, that sounds OK --- Frost Rotom & Roseanne's Research for GE Sceptile -- I will PM you so we can move forward.

Amt - Hi there! Congrats on States (I was there... but there were too many Pokebeachers for everyone to meet everyone -- I live near Mudkip, CFOURCOLTSFAN, & ToFu and see them at Tourneys and stuff) -- So... I did not see Drapion 4 on your list... If you have it, cool... if not, do you have any interest in MY RH Azelf for YOUR 2 SW gardevoirs?[/size]
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Long time no see;(
I have 2 Drapion 4
SW Weavile(2)
GE Claydol
Uxie LV.X
Blue Voltorb

Please CML(also don't ask for Infernape 4 LV.X, I don't have it listed and still people know I have it)
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs


How about --

Blue Voltorb
2 GE Darkrais
2 Drapion 4s
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Hypno68 said:
Amt -[/size] Hi there! Congrats on States (I was there... but there were too many Pokebeachers for everyone to meet everyone -- I live near Mudkip, CFOURCOLTSFAN, & ToFu and see them at Tourneys and stuff) -- So... I did not see Drapion 4 on your list... If you have it, cool... if not, do you have any interest in MY RH Azelf for YOUR 2 SW gardevoirs?

Thanks! I didn't know you were there, it would have been cool to meet you. Maybe next year when I have to defend the title we'll see each other. ;-)
I don't have the Drapion 4 on my list right now, but I do have the card... as I'm looking at it right now lol. Unfortunately I only have one, and my Gardevoir SW _may_ be in the deck one of my friend's uses at Worlds... so =(. Is there another card on my list you'd like for the Azelf LA (RH)?

Drapion 4 - mint
card of your choice - mint

Azelf (RH) LA - mint
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Amt... (This might be too much... feel free to counter-offer...)

Drapion 4 - mint
RR Flygon or RR Shiftry (your choice)
Azelf (RH) LA - mint
RE: - - - - - - - - - - - -

RE: - - - - - - - - - - - -

I will give you an Alakazam 4 X for the Raichu X. And CML for any other stuff.

And I will give you $7 in Paypal for MT Raichu (1.50), MT Mespirit (1.79), MT Uxie (1.79), and MT Azelf (1.79)
Raichu LvX

Hi Electromaniac!

That sounds like a good deal. Here's the thing... Raichu LvX is not in mint shape. It has minor bend in the upper right hand corner.

It is very playable (sleeved) and it is in generally good condition, but certainly not mint.

To even it up... I will throw in 2 MT Raichus and a really neat sparkly Pikachu sticker (the sticker is roughly the size of a Card -- it's from a vending machine)

So, I propose -

Raichu LvX (small bend in corner)
2 MT Raichu
1 nifty Pikachu sticker
Alakazam 4 LvX (English, in good-to-excellent condition)

Please let me know if you're interested.

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: - - - - - - - - - - - -

That Sounds Good.
Can I still buy the others, for a lower price then. For 5.50 in Paypal, could I get MT Azelf, MT Uxie, and MT Mespirit
RE: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hypno68 I found the 2 Drapion 4 early this morning, so is it still possible for us to trade for it?
2 Drapion 4
1 Blue Voltorb
2 Darkrai GE(1 of each)
- - - - - - - - - - -

Hi cheetor586!

No, sorry... I have a line on the Gardevoirs, so I won't need to buy any. If this changes for some reason, I'll let you know.

(Just curious... what would you sell them for... like $2 or $3 apiece?)

Thank you.

- Hypno68