• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Hypno, is there anything I have we can trade for Uxie X? I truly need this...!
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Check my list for Uxie Lv.X (major want) and Claydol. Let me know! : D
Responses for darksoulSP & TofU

– I didn’t see anything for Uxie LvX, sorry.

TofU – I didn’t see anything for Uxie LvX or Claydol, sorry.

Thank you!

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

CML for your Regigigias Prerelease Sleeves

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Could you check my list for the uxie x and claydol please?

Note unlisted items include:
Machamp SF (one RH)
Machamp Lv. X
Alakazam 4 X
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Champ X
something else (maybe a RR holo?)
Your: Uxie X

Please LMK, you're one of my favorite peeple to trade with, thanks!
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

I still like Uxie X, but if there is anything I can traded for Porygon ZX and/orr Gliscor X, let me know! :)
Responses -- Sorry for the Delay!

Hi everyone!

First off - sorry for the inactivity and the slow responses... there's a lot happening in my life right now.

Secondly... My life is still "full" so please don't expect a lot from me... I'll do my best, but I'm going to be real slow -- my apologies in advance.

OK... so now for some responses (from your JUNE posts!)

Starforce - sorry, I did not see anything for MT Feraligatr, SW Weavile, or DP Weavile.

darksouldSP - sorry, I did not see anything for Dusknoir LvX, Uxie LvX, Gliscor LvX, or Porygon Z LvX.

the crippler 18 - my Regigigas sleeves are hopefully being traded as part of a sleeve/Flygon LvX deal. Sorry.

kevkev7777 - I am interested in your Leafeon LvX. I could see us working a trade for the LA Dragonites and Kyogres, plus... some stuff for that Leafeon LvX --- what do you think?

d master342 - You had an interest in Azelf RH --- I am interested in your RR Drapion 4 and RR Nidoqueen. Perhaps we could pursue some sort of multi-card trade around this "base" (?)

Medaforcer - sorry, I did not see anything for Claydol / Uxie X

Juliacoolo - no, sorry. Not interested in Machamp X.

nabby101 - no, sorry, I did not see anything for Uxie LvX

kevkev7777 and dmaster342 - I have PM'd you to let you know that I have an interest in trading.

To the rest -- thank you for visiting my thread!

- Hypno68
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs

Hey there again.

I have 2 SW Gardeviors (1 RH but not in the greatest of conditions) and also 1 Drapion 4.

I am interested in your Claydol (GE). If you can LMK an offer and if you want more CML.

Drapion 4 & SW Gardevoir Responses

Hi everyone!

Thank you for stopping by my thread!

kashmaster, umbreonchamp, and AnthonyG - Yes... Claydol is a great card... but I'd rather trade some other stuff for the Drapion 4s and the SW Gardevoirs.

Thanks anyway, but I'm going to pass on the ____ for Claydol offers.
RE: Looking for 2 Drapion 4s and 2 SW Gardevoirs


I have 2 RR drapion 4s maybe rh

I need your ninetales mt and your rayquaza LA

maybe you can cml

btw I m from germany but I really need the cards