• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


Responses for Anthony G, kashmaster, and JWittz

Hi everyone!

I am trying to figure out what I can get for my Gallade 4 LvX -- I am pretty darn sure I want to trade it... just don't know for what yet...

Anthony G - I will CYL and let you know... it may take a few days since other offers are coming in for the gallade 4 LvX

kashmaster - I will hold off a while before letting you know

JWittz - I PM'd you. Hmmm... Uxie plus Palkia G/Dialga G... very interesting...

A lot of others --- I have posted in your threads with offers for your Floatzel GLs --- my son pulled a Floatzel GL LvX and I'm hoping to get him 3 Floatzel GLs to compliment it...

Thank you!

- Hypno68
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

The thread's up: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=54130

--check it out and pm me with what you're lookin at!
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

cml for uxie lv x, and magnezone lv x

i have 2x dialga g and 1x palkia g unlisted

RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

when you get a moment can you please check my list for the following:
Porygon Z Lv X
Froslass GL
Rhyperior 4

thanks. and pm me with any offers
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

I have Froslass GL. Want Shiftry and a Trainer maybe and possibly Gallade E4 Lv.X. CML.

dmaster out.
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

CML for Charon's Choice or Gallade 4X. LMK if you want to trade for either or both of those cards!
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

Hi ^_^

I have the 3 Floatzel you are looking for. I need your Charon's Choice and the Gallade 4 Lv.X.

I need the Lv.X the most. LMK
JWittz, Coach 4312, DarkJawa, darksoulSP, d Master432, Mudkip, and team overdose

I am still trying to figure out what I am looking for when I trade away my Gallade 4 LvX - Right now, it's kind of up-in-the-air... (If someone wanted to help me out and make an insane offer, I'd be much obliged! (lol)

JWittz - I will CYL and let you know... it may take a few days since other offers are coming in for the gallade 4 LvX & I am not sure what I'm looking to get out of it (your Uxie plus___ is a really great start - thank you!)

Coach 4312 - I am trying hard to concentrate on getting 3 Floatzel GLs and getting rid of Gallade 4 LvX --- after the dust settles, I'll try to get back to you on Uxie LvX and Magnezone LvX - sorry for the delay

DarkJawa - I didn't see anything, sorry. As I mentioned above... I'm really trying to concentrate on Floatzels "in" / Gallade 4 LvX "out" ATM

d master342 - sorry... I'm not really looking for Froslass GL -- did you mean Floatzel GL?

darksoulSP - I'm waiting on some info from another trader... I am hoping to PM you soon.

Mudkip - I PMd you... I am hoping to get some info from you soon

team overdose - I did not see anything - sorry.

Thank you everyone!

- Hypno68
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

No problem Hypno, let me know when you can trade! :p
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

Yeah, I meant Floatzel GL. Stupid dyslexia.

dmaster out.
RE: Have Gallade 4 LvX, Charon's Choice, and 16 RR Rares - Want 3 Floatzel GL

Heya~ CML for Charon's Choice please! Thanks!
RE: Have GALLADE 4 LvX and 16 RR Rares ~-~ Want 1 Floatzel GL

can you give me a price for each rare you have multiples of, you have up there? i know its tiring,but please can you? thanks
RE: Have GALLADE 4 LvX and 16 RR Rares ~-~ Want 1 Floatzel GL

Do you still want my floatzel GL? CML for more for your Gallade 4 lv X
RE: Have GALLADE 4 LvX and 16 RR Rares ~-~ Want 1 Floatzel GL

Have -
call energies (how many do you need ?)
palkia G / dialga g ( ^^^same)
Floatzel gl holo x2

cml http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=93766

Im interested in the regi sleeves and gallade 4 lvx
Sorry -- Gallade 4 LvX is GONE

Hi everyone -- just to let you know... I am very close to completing my trade which involves me sending away my Gallade 4 LvX. I wish I had more to go around - "thank you" to everyone who expressed an interest.

Now... onto some responses...

kevkev77777 - sorry, not enough time to list prices... (and please remember... I do not have the best prices on PokeBeach... I generally prefer to trade)

darksoulSP - Thank you for your patience and understanding. Charon's Choice and Gallade 4 LvX are now both gone... I'm sorry it didn't work out between us this time, but I'm really hoping that we get a chance to trade in the future sometime.

d master342 - I am still looking for 1 Floatzel GL, but I think I'm close to closing a deal on one. If it's OK... I'll just leave it at that and hopefully we can trade sometime in the future.

Dionashi - Charon's Choice has been traded - sorry...

kashmaster - Hi! I didn't skip you... I am posting-updating-posting-updating, etc. sometimes my internet connection goes out and I don't want to lose too much. So... Claydol, huh? Honestly, I'm down to 4 and that's right at my "comfort level" (I support 5 people's decks - me, my son, my cousin, my nephew, my buddy) -- 4 Claydols is usually a good number to cover 5 decks. With that said (pause, to update) --- I can consider trading away 1 or 2 of the Claydols... I would definitely trade them away once PUSA lets us know that GE will be rotated out! --- MORE INFO --- Yes, I can trade 2 of them... but since I'm down close to my comfort zone, I value them highly and would only trade them for... say... LvXs (Your LA Pixie LvXs are looking pretty nice -- would you 1-to-1 any of them for a Claydol?)

mr.619 - Gallade 4 LvX has been (or rather... will very shortly be) traded - thank you for your post nonetheless.

phoenixback4fire - How about MY Regigigas Sleeves for YOUR Floatzel GL and 1 Call Energy? If you have an interest in this, please PM me. Thank you.

Infmach - I didn't see anything for DuskyX. Thanks for your post! (By the way... Nice Avatar!)

Whew! (Half an hour later...) I think that's everybody...

Thanks again for your interest in my trade thread!

- Hypno68
