• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: Hypno's Trade Thread

hmm I guess I could do mesprit lv X and Azelf lv X for 2 LMK, also do you have any dialga G i am in depserate need for those

RE: Hypno's Trade Thread

kevkev77777 - I did not see any cards on your list that I would be interested in trading Blazekins for --- I could sell 4 for $10

Politoed666 - No - sorry, I will not CYL for Uxie LvX --- if your thread is not linked in your signature, I will not take time to go and try to find it

moo5100 - No - sorry, I will not CYL for Uxie LvX --- if your thread is not linked in your signature, I will not take time to go and try to find it







RE: Hypno's Trade Thread

Hypno68 said:
kevkev77777 - I did not see any cards on your list that I would be interested in trading Blazekins for --- I could sell 4 for $10

Politoed666 - No - sorry, I will not CYL for Uxie LvX --- if your thread is not linked in your signature, I will not take time to go and try to find it

moo5100 - No - sorry, I will not CYL for Uxie LvX --- if your thread is not linked in your signature, I will not take time to go and try to find it

My bad. Here.
RE: Hypno's Trade Thread

It's alright Hypno. Actually, I would like to trade for your RF Scisor from SF. CML again if you like! :p
. . . . . . . R e s p o n s e s . . . . . . .

- How about YOUR MT Abomasnow & SF Abomasnow for MY RH SF Scizor?
I CYL for Uxie LvX --- did not find anything, sorry.
- I CYL for Uxie LvX --- did not find anything, sorry.
RE: MY Gallade 4 LvX YOUR Alakazam 4 LvX ???

IDK if you would be willing to but, I can try to get you the Alakazam 4 Lv. X either here or at my BR tourny (on Saturday).

If you would be willing to hold it I can certainly try hard to get if for you. If you choose no to hold it, that is fine as well.

Just LMK here or PM.

RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Hello Hypno68 please CML for: .
Porygon Z LvX

Uxie LvX

Magmortar LvX

LA Azelf

Dusk X
. . . R e s p o n s e s . . .

Juliacoolo – I am interested in your Garchomp LvX ----- perhaps

......MY Magmortar LvX, Dusknoir LvX, GE Togekiss

......YOUR Garchomp LvX

sceptileblade411 – I didn’t see anything for Uxie LvX, sorry.

Rayquaza95 – I didn’t see anything for Claydol, sorry.

T h a n k . y o u !

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread


I have many Hypnos available, as well as their non holo versions. Let me know if you're interested in any! If not, enjoy the activity.