• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

I have GliscorX that I'll trade. CML for RaichuX? I've got Farfetch'd from your wants, too, but it's not listed in my thread. I have it RH.
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

i have glisor lv x and farfethch sf
i want the raichu
ciould u pm me for other things u want
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

Gliscor Lv. X

Raichu Lv. X
2 Raichu SF
1 LA Uxie

I am also interested in the following:
GE Togekiss
GE Pachirisu (X2, 1RH)
SF Drifblim
SF Drapion (X2)

- 1 pack of Regigigas Sleeves (LA Pre-Release)

I also have these that you're looking for:
SF Drapion
PokeDex Handy 910is[/b]

CML and lmk what we can work out. Thanks
Yesterday's Offers

Thanks to everyone who checked out my thread yesterday!

Mach – Thank you. I’ve PM’d you and see that you’ve PM’d me back. Rats... I’m disappointed that some of the cards that I was particularly interested in are NFT. We’ll see where it goes…

Kingdra Master – Holy Mackerel, you have lots of LvX’s! Of your regular rares, I did not see too much… I liked the MT Garchomps. I was really hoping more for some of the SF rares…

yuyuman345 – Hi! I’m not looking for anything specific, but some of the cards I know I’d be interested in are at the bottom of my thread. I would check your list.

George2Fresh – No thank you. Raichu LvX is worth ~$10 more than Gliscor LvX. I am only interested in trades where someone offers me Gliscor LvX plus additional cards.
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

1 Darkrai Lv. X
1 Gliscor Lv. X
1 Hypno (EX FireRed and LeafGreen 25/11)
2 Froslass LA

Raichu Lv. X (SF)
2 Raichu SF
Salamence SF
Uxie LA
Azelf LA
Azelf MT

Thought you might like Darkrai/Froslass since they are both wanted and good cards. LMK. :)
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

Rettahz - Thank you for checking out my thread. To your proposed offer, sorry, but "no".

I don't value Darkrai LvX highly (already have 1 and can get through tin)
(I like collection Hypno's... but... don't value them highly ATM) You're right, the Froslass are cool.

On the other hand, I do value the Stormfront cards you mentioned... I value them highly. Funny... as I reviewed the cards in the trade... (This is my opinion) I think you kicked it into a worse imbalance than if we traded Raichu LvX and Gliscor LvX straight up...

I do appreciate your interest though - thank you.
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

Since I haven't gotten a reply back, I'll post here.

Are we gonna confirm the trade or what?

I realize I'm impatient, but I normally like to get trades settled as soon as possible.

Please let me know if we're going to complete the trade or not.
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

Oh very well then. I thought you said it was the other way around. Well if you could, please cml and let me know what I can add. Thanks!
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

I just looked through my collection and found out I do have 2 Staraptors for trade, just not two RH. Are you still interested?
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

interested in:

RH Heatran (LA, fire type)
RH Darkrai (GE#4)

LMK please. need cards asap. thanks.
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

Okay, here's a better offer in that case.
1 Darkrai Lv. X
1 Gliscor Lv. X
1 Hypno (EX FireRed and LeafGreen 25/11)
2 Froslass LA

Raichu Lv. X (SF)
Raichu SF

I took out 2 Raichu, Salamence, Uxie and Azelf on your side since you said you valued your SF cards highly... LMK. :)
P.S. Thanks for such a detailed correspondence. ^^
Wednesday Evening Post

Rettahz - thanks for the offer... but I'll pass. There's a couple traders "in front" of you for the raichu LvX. If neither of those work out... I'll let you know and see if we can move forward. (That Darkrai LvX just doesn't "do it" for me - sorry)

George2FRESH - I did not check your list yet. There are a couple traders in front of you for the Raichu LvX. I'm gonna wait to see what pans out with the current offers-on-the-table.

Zacario - I PM'd you - please let me know

Mach -I PM'd you - I'll touch base with you later, too

PacMac tL - I PM'd you - thank you again for visiting my thread.

As always - thank you everyone for visiting my thread!
RE: Have Raichu LvX - Want Gliscor LvX

like what cause i have alot thats not listed cause i dont have the time to list em.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Mr. Davies,

Could you do this trade.

4 Farfecthed
2 PokeHealer+
1 Salamence

2 Rapidash SF

PS: Do you have any Pop 7 cards?
Response to CynthiaFan101

Hi Mr. Z!

I have a few more SF Rapidash coming in early 2009 -- when they arrive, I'll have enough to do that trade. If you need them faster, please PM me and we'll see what we can work out.

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Hello again, whenever you have the chance would you mind CML for these cards?:

SF Scizor
SF Blue Voltorb (SH3)
LA Azelf (X2, 1RH)
LA Uxie

Please LMK if you need anything from my list.

Thank you.
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

Would you be interested in the hypno 151 shirt? Even if you dont, please CML

*aren't* not don't
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

CML for Darkrai sleeves, MD sleeves (like better), Uxie LA, and a Azelf LA.