• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


February 5th Responses

Hey! Thanks everyone for visiting my trade thread!

As for Hypno’s… I can take ‘em or leave ‘em --- I won’t “trade big” for any… if I can get some for cards that I have no particular use for – great… especially if the cards that are not particularly valuable to me hold some interest to you...

OK, with that said, here we go…

ESP – Yes, I have some Pt… I’ll have more next week (I’m going to a PR Sunday) – Wanna check back with me? Or I’ll try to check back with you on the shiny Duskull.

Muddy68 – I’ll plan on checking your list for Palkia LvX & Shiny Voltorb… might not be ‘til mid next week.

EspeonROX – That sounds interesting… Hypno FRLG, Hypno DS, Call Energy x2 – I will try to PM you soon to see if we can work something out. At this point... I'm thinking I might try to buy them from you.... if you want, start thinking of a price you might think is fair... Thanks!

Taylor45 – A German Hypno… how cool. I see you’re interested in MT Pixies. I’ll try to PM you soon (maybe 1-to-1 your Hypno, My one MT Pixie?)

Rodiqio – I’ll plan on checking your list for Gliscor LvX. If you want… please feel free to check back with me if I don’t respond by mid next week.

Zangoosed – I see you have “Hypno TRR” and “Hypno FR/LG” – I’m interested in you Hypno TRR… Garchomp and Scizor are so playable…. Uh…. I’m going to go think about it and try to PM you soon.

ALL – Thank you so much for your posts! I am going to be real busy this weekend… I’ll try to get back to everyone next week.

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread


H: Hypno FRLG $1.50
Hypno DS $1.50
Call Energy x2 $1.50 each.

W: Money
Ho-Oh SW (If it's holo and mint)

I'll take Ho-Oh as a $2.00 value. I don't value him highly. =\
RE: Hypno68's Trade Thread

CML for 1 of each of your 3 Prerelease Sleeves

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
Week Old Responses

Sorry for the delay everyone --- some "life events" happened to me recently... Here goes...

ESP – As I mentioned, my interest in Shiny Duskull kind of tanked... Dark Palm Dusknoir is not working as a tech in my deck...

Muddy68 – Palkia LvX is now in England... I didn't see anything on your list that I want to trade Shiny Voltorb for…

EspeonROX – Can't really buy at the moment.

Taylor45 – A German Hypno… how cool. I see you’re interested in MT Pixies. I’ll PM you soon (1-to-1 your Hypno, My one MT Pixie)

Rodiqio – I’ll still plan on checking your list for Gliscor LvX. Sorry for the delay

Zangoosed – I’m interested in your Hypno TRR, but since it's rotated out, it's just a collection want. Garchomp and Scizor are very playable in the current format. I would trade other current format rares, but they'd have to be ones I have a lot of or have low use for.

The Crippler 18 - I PM'd you. Sorry, didn't see anything on your list that I wanted to trade my sleeves for.

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Just Added DP-Forward Grass, Fire, Colorless, Water and Electric

Hi there. Interesed in two Claydol GE. I have from your wants:

2 MT Manectric
2 MT Garchomp (Reverese Holo)
2 SF Raichu

My list has not been updated in forever, so there's probably no use in checking it. Anything else you need?
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Just Added DP-Forward Grass, Fire, Colorless, Water and Electric

Please CML for
wailord GE, Magmortar lvX, tangrowth SF, bellsprout LA, Whismur GE, Yanma LA, Sycther MD
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Just Added DP-Forward Grass, Fire, Colorless, Water and Electric

CML for MD pre-prelease sleeves. Thanks.
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Just Added DP-Forward Grass, Fire, Colorless, Water and Electric

I have 2 RH SF Raichu, and 1 Call Energy. What do you have from PT?
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Just Added DP-Forward Grass, Fire, Colorless, Water and Electric

Hi would you do my Manectric MT, 2 Raichu SF 2H or 1H 1 RH for your 4 Mamoswine SF 1 RH?
R e s p o n s e s

Wow! There's been a lot of traffic on my thread - thanks everyone.

For those of you who have posted, I've been PM'ing most of you... here are the updates...

Amt – I sent you a PM – thank you

Zeirant – We’ve been sending PM’s back and forth – we’ll see if we can “connect” on a trade – it’s fun working with you, thanks.

Lyte– I PM’d you about the MD PR Sleeves – I’ll wait to hear from you.

ESP – I’ll plan on PM’ing you soon --- I don’t really have that much Platinum that I’m willing to put up for trade yet.

Rodiqio – That’s a little much & I think I have a few Manetrics coming in soon… I’ll plan on holding onto the Mamoswines for now.

Thank you!

- Hypno68
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Added some DP-On Cards Today

Could you do:


2 Garchomp MT


2 Gardevoir SW

RE: Hypno68's Thread - Added some DP-On Cards Today

i can paid $12 for this lmk or cml or counter
pm is better for me thanks
GE Wailord (X5, 2RH)
RE: Hypno68's Thread - Added some DP-On Cards Today

CML for:
Rampardos PT
PT Dustox (X2)
PT #27 Giratina (X1)
PT Toxicroak G
Manectric PT
RE: .Hypno68's Trade Thread - Claydol, Magmortar LvX, Gliscor LvX, Time-Space Distortion.

I need your:

2x Rotom (MD)

Please CML

Edit: I have 2x Pt Ludicolo (1 is RH, 1 is H)
RE: .Hypno68's Trade Thread - Claydol, Magmortar LvX, Gliscor LvX, Time-Space Distortion.

CML for Sceptile GE.