DPPt/HGSS Hacking. Good or Bad?

Do you agree with use of these devices?

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pmj i love you
edit: bananajamslam i love you too

Hacking is so very, very bad. It ruins your game, and it gives you an icky feeling inside.
That's only if you're an idiot and you have no idea how to use your codes. I've been using AR on my Diamond for years and it still works just fine, because I know exactly what I'm doing.
I use AR to speed up stuff, especially EV training. I don't really have hours of my life to waste on such a stupid game, and if I can get with AR in about 30 minutes than I can get without it in 2 weeks, then all the better. I don't win with hacks, I win with skill. And a tiny bit of luck. I don't bring outrageously stupid stuff like 6 Wonder Guards on a team. I always, always, ALWAYS fight fair.

You don't like hacking? That's perfectly acceptable. Just don't baw and whine about it because no one is going to care.
This, of course, is proof that Shoddybattle is far superior to any 4th gen Pokemon video game =D

Everything else I have to say about hacking has already been said by other people in this thread.
I completely agree with PMJ.

I miss the days when cheats were programmed into almost every game. I would spend countless hours playing Goldeneye with the "invisible" and "all guns" cheats on. Now that so many games are online they don't like to put cheats in games anymore. Therefore, the only way you can get them in there is by hacking it in.

Regardless of what your view on hacking is, I don't think that you have any right telling me what I can and can't do with something I purchased when it doesn't even affect you. It's like me buying a car and then rolling it off a cliff. Are you really going to come running towards me yelling "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT THE CAR MAKER DIDN'T SELL YOU THAT FOR THAT PURPOSE!"? The reality is that car maker doesn't really care what you do with his car after you buy it, he just wants the money. The only time he's ever going to care is when his house is at the bottom of that cliff...
bananajamslam said:
I completely agree with PMJ.

I miss the days when cheats were programmed into almost every game. I would spend countless hours playing Goldeneye with the "invisible" and "all guns" cheats on. Now that so many games are online they don't like to put cheats in games anymore. Therefore, the only way you can get them in there is by hacking it in.

Regardless of what your view on hacking is, I don't think that you have any right telling me what I can and can't do with something I purchased when it doesn't even affect you. It's like me buying a car and then rolling it off a cliff. Are you really going to come running towards me yelling "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT THE CAR MAKER DIDN'T SELL YOU THAT FOR THAT PURPOSE!"? The reality is that car maker doesn't really care what you do with his car after you buy it, he just wants the money. The only time he's ever going to care is when his house is at the bottom of that cliff...

Exactly! :D I think hacking is alright if yu are bored with game. As long as yu dont use it to cheat your way through the game, or cheat in global battles, then its okay! And alot of people take risks with using these cheats, so if yu want to risk yur game getting deleted, then ao be it!
Ok, i never said i was whining about it. And i just wanted peoples opinion, not to convince people to stop using it. I enjoy seeing what people got to say about this. Please dont get irritated at me.
Im totally alright with your guys's views. Its just kinda nice knowing that someone agrees with me. <3
I think that legitimate hacking is fine. I personally wouldn't do it, but that's because I'm not very good at it. The only thing I'd ever hack my game for are TMs and Rare Candies. But I don't care if somebody I'm battling has used hacks, so long as they can still be done legally in the game without hacks. I think most people disagree with hacks because they think it gives people an unfair advantage. That's cheating. There's a difference.
Just like Guy89, I only use PikeFlash's one to do cloning & maybe a few moves that I can't get (IE: Nidoran Felame w/Confusion)....other then that, I stay well clear of them.
Owen said:
Cheating is bad in my opinion if you haven't beat the game. After I beat the game I use cheats to get shinnies and other things I didn't have time to while playing the game.

I agree with this point.

If you haven't beaten the game yet, I am of the opinion that you are robbing yourself of the experience if you just hook up the AR straight away. That said, it's your game, your AR, you are completely free to do whatever you want with it and don't let anyone say you aren't getting the "real experience" out of it. If your real experience comes from leaving Littleroot Town and pulling a Jesus once you get to Route 103 to go straight to Slateport City, then more power to you.

sturtle said:
Hacking is so very, very bad. It ruins your game, and it gives you an icky feeling inside.

Disagree. The only way it would ruin your game is if you put in a bad code (i.e. Bad Eggs) or if you do something really wacky like... I dunno, submerge the AR and your game gets nuked. Using codes properly can provide you with a very rewarding experience in the form of absolutely everything you could ever possibly want.

The only people hacking gives an icky feeling to are people who are against the use of codes in the first place, so that's not really a valid argument.
Oh man. I don't like hacking my game unless I've beaten it. Seriously. People who use AR just to say, "OMGZORZ I HAVE 999999 MASTERBALLZ AND YOU CAN TOO HERES MY ACTION REEEPLAYYYYY!!!11!!!!!" are lame, and make the game unexciting. You're up against Roark, and is it really fun if you bring out the Empoleon you max Rare Candy'd? No way. I'm playing my Blue right now, and I'm fighting every bit of temptation to talk to the guy on how to catch Pokemon. I really just want to enjoy the game, but knowing the possibility of getting Mew early and everything else is annoying. I hacked my Sapphire when I was in the seventh grade, and I felt guilty. -_- I restarted the game after I hacked it. Playing with a Swellow with 999 in every stat didn't feel right.
That's fine. Some people would get a kick out of using Hydro Cannon on Roark's stupid little Cranidos with his like 37 attack stat at level 14 or whatever.

I think all 9's is stupid. What's the point of that? No duh it's gonna be boring, you kill everybody in like one move.

The key is to get inventive. For example, I made a doubles team with basics like Skill Link Cranidos just to take advantage of Rock Blast. Just to be funny, I gave him Bone Rush and probably the other 125 power moves too. I also had things like Rock Head... whatever, with Volt Tackle, Brave Bird, Double-Edge, and probably some other insane move that has recoil.

If you're into that, try playing a game with wacky hacks that are all shiny. Should be pretty neat.

Fun fact: If you hack Judgment onto a Pokemon that isn't called Arceus, Judgment's type will still match the type of the held Plate, if your Pokemon is holding one (ex. Seviper@Sky Plate will have Flying-type Judgment).

But I digress. The point is, hacking isn't gonna be for everyone, and there's no point in trying to convince one crowd to switch sides because I can tell you it's never gonna happen. I guarantee you no pro-AR person has ever gone "clean" without bombing a code and nuking his own game.
I think hacking is fine, I used it to hack a team when borrowing my friend's Pearl game so I could play on Battle Revolution. It's perfectly fine as long as your not using like infinite HP or 1 hit KO's in battles with other players or something. But I prefer not to use it in Pokemon because it takes the point of the game away for me and I just get bored and unsatisfied, it's like I have no reason or incentive to play starting off with my whole team and infinite items. I did it once, and it was SO boring lol.

I also helped a friend out once by hacking a competitive team for them with their specifications. I'm not into competitive battling but I would think Pokesav is the best thing for those who are (that play the actual copies of the games), it must save a LOT of unnecessary time and effort.

I did a few hacks recently on HG. Mainly to get the GB music player. Ugh, there was NO WAY I was waiting until the end of the game for that, it's practically pointless then! Goldenrod and National Park music along with a bunch of other crap was grating on my ears to much. I'm having such a better auditory experience now *-* I wish I knew this thing was in the game before I bought it, I would have hacked the GB player immediately >>

I also used it to hack a blank Teddiursa, Meowth and Vulpix, (all SS exclusives) with like, no stats or moves, and I just bred them to get regular ones with average stats and their normal moves. Evidently any Pokemon hatched from breeding passes a legitimacy check, I've read. But anyways, that's all the hacking I'm doing on this game. Except possibly to hack a Probopass, because I <3 it and there's no way to obtain it in HGSS.

Also it can be fun when your playing by yourself or with another hacker. I did stuff like give Volt Absorb to Feraligator, Filter to Beequeen, and Wonder Guard to Regigigas. Though the best thing to give Wonder Guard to would be Sableye or Spiritomb, they would be invincible =P
I am of the opinion that one should not use Action Replay to give a person insanely high stats or levels just for the purpose of getting through the in-game plot, as I think it robs all the value out of it. To set the record straight, I mostly use Action Replay to speed things up a little in terms of raising competitive Pokemon (where I am so far past the post-game that there is really nothing else to do), and to test certain battle mechanics (e.g. if Smeargle can sketch the same move twice, and what type a Flying-Arceus becomes after it uses Roost) that would either be very hard or impossible without the use of AR.

I've actually hacked up a small team of level 5 Pokemon (including stuff like a shining Raikou) that I planned to go through Pearl with at one point (when I get one), and raise them from the ground up as I go through the in-game plot. I haven't done it yet, but I definitely think it would be fun to do.

Another reason I use Action Replay for is to clone certain Nintendo Event Pokemon. Why? So I can be nice and trade them to people who weren't able to make the event for whatever reason. I think it's only fair I try to share what I can around with other people if I get the chance.
(I might want to end up getting some super hack that lets me OHKO any Pokemon on contact, JUST so I can give the Battle Tower the finger for all the havoc it's caused me. Then again, a 63 win streak isn't that bad.)

I don't think that everyone who's anti-hacking is to be ridiculed for thinking that way. If they have logical, just opinions, I will respect that and not try to intrude upon that (I actually know a guy like this). However, if the only reason is 'hacks are bad they'll ruin your game', then that's not really a good reason at all. Not only is that a rather immature stance, the claim is also baseless and tries to make a blanket statement. And if there was someone pro-hacking whose reasoning was 'it lets you get super stats and infinity master balls', I'd shun them for the exact same reason.

/me sets the record straight.
I use Pokesav in order to make competitive Pokemon that have non-offensive movesets otherwise it would just take forever ev training and leveling up that sucker.
Wow! Im actually suprised at some of the people on this list. I enjoy reading all the legitiment posts on why or why not they should be used. Although, your "icky feeling" that you get inside wasnt very convincing, it still made me smile.

Even with all this convincment, I still will probably stick to they are bad. My friend used hacked pokemon on me and it just ruins your gameplay in my POV. I enjoy breeding and training and i feel extremely accomplished whenever i get something the hard wsy. And besides, i have a ton of free time, and using AR would just make it boring for me.

Thanks for all the opinions guys. <3
It's mostly the "leveling up to level 100" bit that I hack for (and the EV training), since that's the part that takes the most time. (Oh sure, Wifi has the auto-level bit, but still, it makes me feel incomplete having a competitive level 1 in my box...) Lately I do try to hatch all the Pokemon I use for competitive, unless they're legendaries (in which case I do have to do a wild encounter hack and catch one). That way my team looks very clean-cut.

Shiny hack is okay but I've become rather disenchanted with shinies. There aren't that many good ones.
Understandable. Im alright with cloning and leveling up w/out altering stats....

Edit: But i still wouldnt do it.
The reason I use AR is because I've finished Platinum. But now I have a Lv 100 Infernape, not ARed at all, and I can beat anyone anyway. I use them for cloning, breeding, and (dare I say it) stealing the opponents Pokémon.
DNA said:
Another reason I use Action Replay for is to clone certain Nintendo Event Pokemon. Why? So I can be nice and trade them to people who weren't able to make the event for whatever reason. I think it's only fair I try to share what I can around with other people if I get the chance.

I think that's a cool attitude of your part. honestly. I hate that they make the games in a way that we can't catch all Pokémon which just forces us to use hacking tools...

btw, Just a noob question: how dangerous is to use AR on the original games? I don't know a lot about that, but I know that AR can screw up the game and make it unplayable but people use them anyway, so there must be a safe way to use AR, right?...
If you use bad codes then yes, it will screw up your game. I've used an AR for years and none of my games have had their save files deleted because of it.
I always double-check all the codes I use in hacking games, and use them correctly. I know where to look, and whether or not the source is accurate and trustworthy. If you know you're using the correct code, you shouldn't have a problem. I think if you google it, casualflock has correct codes.

I think that's a cool attitude of your part. honestly. I hate that they make the games in a way that we can't catch all Pokémon which just forces us to use hacking tools...
That's part of the reason I got it to begin with, so thank you.