Halloween is coming!!!

I'm going with my 2 friends who are being ozzy osbourne and randy rhoads and i'm being mick thomson from slipknot
RE: Halloween is coming!

I'm gonna be my dad. If it's cold (it usually is) then I'll be an eskimo
RE: Halloween is coming!

No dressing up for me. I'm too old for that. What my mom has me do is sit outside and hand out candy/bagged treats to the trick or treaters. And this has been for the past 4-5 years, give or take.
RE: Halloween is coming!

Shadowwiidragon said:
42 chocolate: Looks like a giant M&M, sounds good.

Electimortar: Wow... Just make sure the police don't catch you.

Lol, that's not gonna work out, so I'm just gonna open doors, eat candy in little kids faces, and scream at people. With a friend(s), of course :p
2 years ago I was Pikachu.
Last year I was Link.
This year I'm going as a giant Lego man and I'm probably going to just hang out with friends. Also, my school has a gym and at Halloween we make it a hunted house and I'm going to jump out with rubber claws, black clothing, and a life-size Majora's Mask.
Oboy170 said:
2 years ago I was Pikachu.
Last year I was Link.
This year I'm going as a giant Lego man and I'm probably going to just hang out with friends. Also, my school has a gym and at Halloween we make it a hunted house and I'm going to jump out with rubber claws, black clothing, and a life-size Majora's Mask.

Nowaiz, I was Pikachu 2 years ago!
RE: Halloween is coming!

There's no Halloween in the Netherlands :/ We've something like it on the 11th of November. So yeah what I'm going to do with Halloween... Nothing =P. Maybe making some Halloween art and whishing everybody a nice Halloween, nothing more ._.
RE: Halloween is coming!

Changed my mind! Me and my girlfriend are going to be RED and BLU team spies.
