Halloween is coming!!!

RE: Halloween is coming!

Shadowwiidragon said:
I saw most of my friends during trick or treating.

I dressed up as...Ash...
I did that in 2nd grade. It was weird, there were cops giving away candy, and there was a video camera taping everyone who came up to him.....

Happy Haloween everyone! Don't eat to much candy!
RE: Halloween is coming!

Well I was planning on scaring people but it was raining here and only about ten people came by my house.
RE: Halloween is coming!

60 people came to my house, even though it was raining!
RE: Halloween is coming!

Well, I went as Silver because I lost a part of the Rua costume.

We had a party, went trick-or-treating

captured a pedophile

watched movies, had pie, messed around at the local park.

All in all, best halloween ever.
RE: Halloween is coming!

GraveTheUndead said:
captured a pedophile

Do tell.

RE: Halloween is coming!

Pretty much, my friend likes randomly finding pedophiles and drags them out into the open.

We did a group effort this time for the hell of it.

It was fun.