Halloween. Like it or hate it?


Loving Wifi in my life...
I hate it to bits. It does not have a meaning, it is a lame excuse for kids to get sweets which are full of sugar and it is just plain annoying. But what are your views? Do you go trick or treating?
I hate it, I've never gotten to trick-or-treat in my life and it only gives those emo/gothapotamus weirdos an excuse to go out in society.
I hate it. All the scary stuff is so negative and the candy is sickening and really not good for the kids (bad parenting etc.)
Yeah, meeting with friends...really something you can't do more then once per year....And which fun? Being scared is a negative emotion and has bad effects on your body/behavior at those levels.
I agree with Lickilicky_Guy, don't be so negative. The kids like it, so let them have their ''party''. Uhm, afstandopleren, I don't think that really matters, then they should prohibit everything that gives a little scare, and besides some tension now and then is never wrong. About the candies? I don't think that would matter that much...

And if the should prohibit Halloween for this reason, the same goes for every other special day in the year, there's no use of Christmas, no use of Easter. What about you birthday? You guys all doing difficult, just let it be like this... sometimes you have to adapt yourself and just go with the crowd instead of being against it...
Yeah, like those days are all about getting gifts....exactly what their intend was. I'm sorry, but it's not all about the scare and the candy (look it up if you want.), neither are Christmas and Easter (I don't know how the B-day thing came to be tho).

Also, you missed the "at those levels" part. You clearly didn't get what I mean by that and I know that it's impossible to prevent a kid from every scare, but those scares from Halloween can really harm a child's development. >_>
Wow.... you don't like Halloween cuz sugar is bad for the kids.... are you all freakin dentists? Halloween is a night to dress up, walk around with friends and just have fun.
I like Halloween (speaking that by that time I'll almost be a teenager, and I like candy.) Dress up, walk around, get candy, meet with friends, and have fun. That's pretty nice. Walking around could give you some excerise (depending on how long you go) and meeting with friends is good socially. And not to mention a good scare every now and then.
raichupika33 said:
I hate it to bits. It does not have a meaning, it is a lame excuse for kids to get sweets which are full of sugar and it is just plain annoying. But what are your views? Do you go trick or treating?

Well, it did have a meaning. I will explain it to the best of my knowledge.

It was believed that on the 31st of October (around harvest) that demons would run around for fun and cause havoc among the people. So, everyone just started to wear masks so the demons wouldn't recognize if they were humans or not. This was just folklore, though. I don't know how the whole "candy" thing started.

I don't mind it. It's an excuse for me to wear something silly to school.
I have never trick-or-teated.... When I get my car, I am going to only to scare and stalk the loser in my school.. Yes, I am mean :p

It was originally started as a Pagan holiday, because Christians had Christmas, they wanted Holloween. Over the years, it has lost the majority of it's meaning, but remnants of it is still there.

And about the scared thing having a bad effect on your body- Most likely after someone scares you, you both laugh. Which you know is a POSITIVE effect.
I've been handing out candy for two years. 3rd, and 5th grade. 4th, I went double-treating with my best friend as the Mario Bros.. This year, I may go out by myself just to stalk people and see friends. I hate having to dress up in sweaty costumes that you can barely breath in. However, I love the spirit of it, going out in the dark... I might just buy a freaky mask and make little kids freak out.
You guys are no fun. Why do you think people go to haunted houses, or go on rollercoasters? Because it's FUN! Halloween is the same thing.
I see halloween as fun because I'm 15 and not a kid and have friends to hang out with and mess around with. Getting candies isn't fun so we do other things. Halloween is fun because you get to dress up as almost anything :)
Hate it. Can't eat any of the candy and I dislike the outdoors. :S I do enjoy the 'horror' aspect of it, however.
It's awesome when you are older because you get to go out with your friends, you can toilet paper other people's houses, and it gives a valid excuse to look like an idiot.
Hes right, basically its an amazing excuse to be an idiot, and wear all of those useless clothes you have in your closet.

My list for things to do this halloween
Try to convince Mom to let me go alone, or with none of my siblings

Dress up like a ninja, or wear that kimono I have....(BTW, im a female)

bring two bins, keep one to look empty, so that the "candy givers" think I dont have any.

Actually trick or treat in my nieghborhood

Go to a scary mansion or something like that

Take one of my friends with me

Bring my DS, for when I get bored

Dress up my baby brother as Kun-Fu Panda

Thats pretty much it....
(So Far...>=)...)