That would be because you're using PokeBeach to host the banner images, which is not a reliable method of hosting. The banner in your signature at the moment is not working, for example, and would you right-click to open a new tab, you will find that the image doesn't exist anymore. It either would have been deleted accidentally from the thread where it was initially posted by yourself, or deleted by the server via some automatic clean-up process. Instead of hosting on PokeBeach, I would recommend using a free and reliable hosting service such as, @gumball51321 can't get my banners to appear in their signature. What's going on there?
Also, for models, can you use Megas and alternate forms like Hoopa Unbound?
For the BBcode "model," can you make the models shiny?
Models of megas and alternate forms of Pokemon can be retrieved from the server by writing out the full name of the Pokemon, with a "dash" (-) instead of spaces. For megas, add the text "-mega" after the name of the Pokemon you're looking to retrieve. Here's a few examples:
[model]absol-mega[/model] [model]hoopa-unbound[/model]

Unfortunately, shiny models are not compatible with the [model] syntax at this time. However, you can still manually retrieve them yourself by visiting this directory, and by following these instructions:
1. Use ctrl+f (or cmnd+f) to find the Pokemon of which you'd like a shiny model.
2. Right click the .gif link and choose "copy link address".
3. Click the "Insert Image" button on a post editor on PokeBeach (that is, the image between the smiley-face and the film strips) and paste into that image popup the .gif link that you copied. (Alternatively, you could just write the following code: [image][/image].)
Hope that can be of help!