RE: Radical Trades H: PR Sleevesx4 DCL full Rare Candy x6 reward energies and more
Do you still need the Gengar X you mentioned the 20th? I have one, and I also have 2 Gyarados (of which 1 is of the theme deck variety). I really really want your Darkrai/Cresselia legend, and to a lesser extent your TR Primes. If you think we can work something out LMK?
Just in case you're interested, I have an ERL Bottom as well, seeing you got a lone top sitting there...
RE: Radical Trades H: PR Sleevesx4 DCL full Rare Candy x6 reward energies and more
I don't really need a Gengar X if you have a trade thread can you send me a link?
those RH are in a trade ATM but, if it doesn't got thorough I'll LYK.