United States
Hi everyone i am Jumplypluff19! i am not new to trading or new to the game,i know what i'm doing. Here are the rules.
1. Be Respectful
2. Do not rip or you will be reported!
3. Make serious offers,not outragus offers
4. do not lie
5. lower ref's sends first
6. have fun
8. Cards must be MINT condition or Playable condition!
9. DO not scam!
10. if you dont ask about the condition of the card i will assume you dont care.
11. Do not PM me until we have finalized a trade here on this thred,it will help me more so i can know whats going on.
12. Cards must be sent in a sleeve and a top loader
13. i dont not want fake or world championship cards! all cards must be real!
14. i can only trade within the U.S as of right now. sorry
2 lux X
2 luxray Gl
1 rh jumpluff-HGSS
1 rh hoppi-HGSS
3 rh crobat G
1 rh baltoy-GE
2 rh roseanns-NO leauge promo! SW only
2 rh BTS
1 rh pokemoin collector
4 rh rare candy-GE
2 rh team galactics wager
Lower wants:
4 call energy
2 rh gastly-Sf
Pikachu M X
any color of Professor pokeball sleeves
any holon phantom energy
4 poke turn
XXX Call Energy
XXX luxray Gl
1 Flygon X
1 Mr. mime-Mt
XXX Warp energy
XXX cyclone energy
1 rh Manectric-Pt
Unopend Darkrai Playmat
holon phantom energy-i need 20 of each energy i will post the ones i have and the amount i have and i will post how many i need
holon phantom water: have 0 need 20
holon phantom grass: have 3 need 17
holon phantom psychic: have 5 need 15
holon phantom fire: have 1 need 19
holon phantom electric: have 3 need 17
holon phantom fighting: have 8 need 12
help me get my set of 20 of each energy from holon phantom!
okay here is what i have,i will not post everything i have cause thats alot of cards. hehe.
1 Mime Jr. plushie doll-pokemon center tag
1 Gengar X
1 Azelf X
1 Uxie X
1 Gardevoir X
1 Cresselia X
2 mewtwo X
1 Dialga G X
2 Palkia G X
1 porygon-Z X
1 blaziken FB X
1 magnazone X
1 mismagius GL X
1 dusknoir X
1 shaymin X-Sky form-pack
1 salamance X
1 Rayquaza C X-pack
3 Garchomp C X-Promo
1 empoleon X-promo
1 palkia X-Promo
1 Dialga X-promo
1 Victory medal-Battle roads-spring 2007-2008
1 mow rotom
2 shiny duskull
1 red gyarados
Rh,holo and Rare's!
2 rh kingdra-La
3 2rh gyardoes-Sf
1 rh cursegar
1 rh brongzong G
3 unown G
3 1Rh machamp-Sf
2 holo gardevoir-Sw
1 holo gallade-SW
1 rh gardevoir-Pt
2 rh lucario Gl
1 leauge promo claydol
2 leauge promo uxie
3 holo dusknoir-Sf
1 rh blaziken-Pt
2 holo mewtwo-Md
2 1rh-1holo blastoise-Pt
2 1rh-1holo Garchomp-Sv
1 rh ninetails-Mt
2 rh pachirisu-Ge
3 1rh-2holo Garchomp-Mt
2 1rh-1holo delcatty-Pt
2 rh blaziken Fb
1 rh relicanth-Sv
2 rh metagross-Sv
2 beedrill-Ge
1 rh dodrio-Sv
3 1rh-2holo alakazam-Mt
1 rh meganium-HGSS
1 rh slowking-HGSS
4 rh infernape 4
1 metal arceus
2 rh drapion 4
1 rh qaugsire Gl
1 rh ambipom G
1 rh houndoom G
1 rh houndoom 4
1 rh purugly G
2 holo weavile G
2 rh toxicroak G
1 rh gallade 4
1 rh roserade Gl
2 holo dialga G
1 holo DP33 dusknoir promo
1 holo flygon-Sw
2 holo manectric- Pt
1 rh honchkrow G
2 beedrill-RR
1 flygon-RR
here are my extra trainers;
8 roseanns
2 copycat
4 poke drawer +
4 poke blower +
1 rh lookers investigation
1 rh marley's request
1 rh pokedex handy910
3 rh sp radar
3 2rh energy gains
4 rh power spray
1 luxury ball
2 poke healer +
3 night maintenance
4 bebe's search
1 rh professor oaks visit
3 rh snowpoint temple
1 rh speed stadium
1 rh great ball
2 rh sunnyshore gym
1 rh dawn stadium
3 oaks new theory
4 elms training method
1 stark mountain
2 fisherman
3 cyrus's inititave
1 vs seeker
4 pokemon collector
1 technical machine TS-2
4 1rh moonlight stadium
2 felicity's drawing
Holo energy;
1 Dp fire
1 rh sp energy
1 battle fronteirs electric
2 Dp water
2 Rh upper
4 Dp water
6 holo psychic- 3 warped-2 emerald-1 battle frontiers
Just follow my rules and have fun and DO not RIp me or anyone else! and lets have a fun time trading.
Hi everyone i am Jumplypluff19! i am not new to trading or new to the game,i know what i'm doing. Here are the rules.
1. Be Respectful
2. Do not rip or you will be reported!
3. Make serious offers,not outragus offers
4. do not lie
5. lower ref's sends first
6. have fun
8. Cards must be MINT condition or Playable condition!
9. DO not scam!
10. if you dont ask about the condition of the card i will assume you dont care.
11. Do not PM me until we have finalized a trade here on this thred,it will help me more so i can know whats going on.
12. Cards must be sent in a sleeve and a top loader
13. i dont not want fake or world championship cards! all cards must be real!
14. i can only trade within the U.S as of right now. sorry
2 lux X
2 luxray Gl
1 rh jumpluff-HGSS
1 rh hoppi-HGSS
3 rh crobat G
1 rh baltoy-GE
2 rh roseanns-NO leauge promo! SW only
2 rh BTS
1 rh pokemoin collector
4 rh rare candy-GE
2 rh team galactics wager
Lower wants:
4 call energy
2 rh gastly-Sf
Pikachu M X
any color of Professor pokeball sleeves
any holon phantom energy
4 poke turn
XXX Call Energy
XXX luxray Gl
1 Flygon X
1 Mr. mime-Mt
XXX Warp energy
XXX cyclone energy
1 rh Manectric-Pt
Unopend Darkrai Playmat
holon phantom energy-i need 20 of each energy i will post the ones i have and the amount i have and i will post how many i need
holon phantom water: have 0 need 20
holon phantom grass: have 3 need 17
holon phantom psychic: have 5 need 15
holon phantom fire: have 1 need 19
holon phantom electric: have 3 need 17
holon phantom fighting: have 8 need 12
help me get my set of 20 of each energy from holon phantom!
okay here is what i have,i will not post everything i have cause thats alot of cards. hehe.
1 Mime Jr. plushie doll-pokemon center tag
1 Gengar X
1 Azelf X
1 Uxie X
1 Gardevoir X
1 Cresselia X
2 mewtwo X
1 Dialga G X
2 Palkia G X
1 porygon-Z X
1 blaziken FB X
1 magnazone X
1 mismagius GL X
1 dusknoir X
1 shaymin X-Sky form-pack
1 salamance X
1 Rayquaza C X-pack
3 Garchomp C X-Promo
1 empoleon X-promo
1 palkia X-Promo
1 Dialga X-promo
1 Victory medal-Battle roads-spring 2007-2008
1 mow rotom
2 shiny duskull
1 red gyarados
Rh,holo and Rare's!
2 rh kingdra-La
3 2rh gyardoes-Sf
1 rh cursegar
1 rh brongzong G
3 unown G
3 1Rh machamp-Sf
2 holo gardevoir-Sw
1 holo gallade-SW
1 rh gardevoir-Pt
2 rh lucario Gl
1 leauge promo claydol
2 leauge promo uxie
3 holo dusknoir-Sf
1 rh blaziken-Pt
2 holo mewtwo-Md
2 1rh-1holo blastoise-Pt
2 1rh-1holo Garchomp-Sv
1 rh ninetails-Mt
2 rh pachirisu-Ge
3 1rh-2holo Garchomp-Mt
2 1rh-1holo delcatty-Pt
2 rh blaziken Fb
1 rh relicanth-Sv
2 rh metagross-Sv
2 beedrill-Ge
1 rh dodrio-Sv
3 1rh-2holo alakazam-Mt
1 rh meganium-HGSS
1 rh slowking-HGSS
4 rh infernape 4
1 metal arceus
2 rh drapion 4
1 rh qaugsire Gl
1 rh ambipom G
1 rh houndoom G
1 rh houndoom 4
1 rh purugly G
2 holo weavile G
2 rh toxicroak G
1 rh gallade 4
1 rh roserade Gl
2 holo dialga G
1 holo DP33 dusknoir promo
1 holo flygon-Sw
2 holo manectric- Pt
1 rh honchkrow G
2 beedrill-RR
1 flygon-RR
here are my extra trainers;
8 roseanns
2 copycat
4 poke drawer +
4 poke blower +
1 rh lookers investigation
1 rh marley's request
1 rh pokedex handy910
3 rh sp radar
3 2rh energy gains
4 rh power spray
1 luxury ball
2 poke healer +
3 night maintenance
4 bebe's search
1 rh professor oaks visit
3 rh snowpoint temple
1 rh speed stadium
1 rh great ball
2 rh sunnyshore gym
1 rh dawn stadium
3 oaks new theory
4 elms training method
1 stark mountain
2 fisherman
3 cyrus's inititave
1 vs seeker
4 pokemon collector
1 technical machine TS-2
4 1rh moonlight stadium
2 felicity's drawing
Holo energy;
1 Dp fire
1 rh sp energy
1 battle fronteirs electric
2 Dp water
2 Rh upper
4 Dp water
6 holo psychic- 3 warped-2 emerald-1 battle frontiers
Just follow my rules and have fun and DO not RIp me or anyone else! and lets have a fun time trading.