I love them too! but I am more into the modified legal stuff now
I love the artwork on EX series cards.
so I am wanting...
Purple dice set, 2 ebelts, Drapion X, Alakazam 4 Lv.X Shaymin (PL), 4x Pokemon Collector, 2x Pokemon Communication x3 Pokeradar and any throw-ins you might think I would like
and You are wanting
(holos are red)
Dratini δ [Dragon Frontiers]
Professor Elm’s Training Method [Dragon Frontiers]
Kirlia [Dragon Frontiers]
Vulpix δ [Dragon Frontiers]
Milotic δ [All over Foil]
Sceptile EX δ Species
Battle Frontier [EX Emerald]
Fieldworker [EX Legend Maker]
Trapinch δ [EX Dragon Frontiers]
Feebas δ [EX Dragon Frontiers]
Mr. Stone’s Project [EX Dragon Frontiers]
Crystal Beach [EX Crystal Guardians]
Crystal Shard [EX Crystal Guardians]
Prof Oak's Research x2
Prof Elm's Training Method x3
Energy Removal 2 x2 (1 holo)
Energy Recycle System x2
Steven's Advice x2
Drake's Stadium x2
Energy Switch
Battle Frontier
Professor Birch
Great Ball x3
Master Ball x3
Potion x3
Double Full Heal x2
Cessation Crystal x2
Memory Berry x2
Poke Ball
Energy Search x3
Mysterious Shard
Bill's Maintenance
Dual Ball
Strength Charm x2
TV reporter
Old Rod
Island Hermit x2
Buffer Piece x2
Mr. Stone's Project
Mr. Briney's Compassion
High Pressure System
Mysterious Fossil x2
Claw Fossil x2
Warp Energy
Scramble Energy x2
Delta Rainbow Energy
Cyclone Energy
1 Holon's Voltorb
delta species dragonairs x2
ANd I will throw In a bunch of other random EX cards.
I could honestly just do this deal if you want? It should be a decent sized package, lol