Help me guys,,,Booster picking tips

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Look, this bottom of the box theory is absolute rubbish. When I got my PK box I had a metagross pack in the left pile in the second pack from the top. This trick also does not work if somebody else had brought boosters before you anyway.
When I mentioned that last idea I meant you are more likely to get one in the left pile, not the right. But that its not accurate. I have had about 5 or 6 boxes and each time there has been more ex in the left pile than right.
WHO CARES!!!I can't believe you and swablu dragged out the topic for 39 pages!

No theory is proven correct.The End.
WHO CARES WHAT YOU JUST POSTED.. Welll you know what i got a T-Tar ex δ and a Kingdra ex δ form Beatiful-Swablu's theories...if your just jealous and you are spamming in this thread then JUST BUY YOUR OWN BOOSTERS....

Follow beautiful-swablu's theory guys...
Thats called Good Luck you.anyways you used what skilll to get thos pokemon and if you don't want those ex's just give them to me!!!
Look woody, I am not intentionally spamming as you seem to be suggesting. I have been posting because I am trying to help people. And I am glad that my ideas have worked for somebody. There is some use for this thread, even if none of the ideas are 100% proven.
it's pure luck~

yesterday i bought 2 DF, when i open the t tar pack, i see horsea d.... and then, whats that? shiny, blue color.... LATIOS EX d !!!! OMFG i got latios ex d!!! yay!

another pack i got amphy and d rainbow holo
LanceTankman said:
I have bad luck too... *sigh* I bought two packs of DF and all I got was a stupid Latios ex d..and a Flygon ex d

Latios ex δ & Flygon ex δ is a good card, so if you do not want them, maybe you should just give it away... :p
he is obviously being sarcastic. if that would be considered bad luck then im unlucky two because i pulled a stupid Gardevoir ex d and my 3rd latias ex d this week. oh no i am so unlucky.

p.s. i was obviously being sarcastic to , so dont ask for my cards , im not giving them away.
My friend bought 4 boosters(3cg,hp) not all at once.He got alakazam*,pikachu* and exploud ex.In 4 boosters.
hey i dunno does tis trick works or not, but according 2 sum pkm player, they say tat sum ex's can b only found in particaular booster. i.e chances of getting an ex in t-tar booster(DF) is greater. i got a flygon ex d in the t-tar booster.
But in the DF prerelease, both my friends got an ex from the Salamence pack.:D
It depends..
Among the 4 boosters in DF, the one has the greater chance of getting an ex is

1. Tyranitar = Among all my 8 ex from DF, i got 5 of them by buying this booster(T-tar)
2. Nidoking = The other 3 ex's, i got from this booster(Nidoking)
3. Salamence = Although i never get an ex in this booster before but there are good rares in it.
4. Latios = IMO, there are no good rares in this booster...

P.S. All the info posted above is my opinion, so if you want to try it, go ahead but if you never get an ex in booster(ex: T-tar booster), don't blame me because it's just
my opinion... :)
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