Help me guys,,,Booster picking tips

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I have come up with a new suggestion. This is quite a long shot and will probably not work but I will share it anyway. I have had quite a few of the whole booster boxes. In every box I got three ex cards and they were all in different places each time. However, I have noticed that usually the right hand pile in the box tends to have one ex card and the left normally has 2. So I am not saying this works, but I reckon there is more of a chance to get an ex card if you pick from the left hand pile.
Exploud Ex said:
Wait, you go to Atria?!?! I have 6 classmates going there! I'm going there this Saturday! See ya.

I don't know yet... My mom said if I study all day , i can go to the Atria and whats your real name Exploud Ex, PM me ok....
how good are blisters again? i just bought a df one yesterday and pulled no ex . all the cards i got sucked except for the nidoking alt. holo i got . i dont know about you guys, but i think im going to wait instead for one of those new 2007 ex tins instead of buying another blister . they come with four boosters (2 pk, 1 ds, and 1 df) for only 3 dollars more plus your guaranteed to get an ex . i seriously cant wait till those come out , the only problem is that i dont know exactly when they come out and every place i check has a diffrent release date. does any body here know when they are coming out ???
I chose 1 pack from a PK box, and I chose this one.-=1 pack.
-- < I chose 1 and got 1 Flygon ex!
Yup, unless the shopkeeper has a x-ray machine and scans all the packs, keeps the packs to himself, then seals back the box, and sells the box to an unlucky costomer.
Huh.....? You're only 12 and I still think girls are icky/stupid.:p (no offence) XD
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