Help me guys,,,Booster picking tips

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which ones are better though , the two pack blisters or the three pack blisters ?
are they really that good because i keep on hearing a whole bunch of people getting exs from blisters.
I bought 5 Blissters once, and I got 1 ex in each one (Vaporeon, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Politoed, Aggron)
here is how a blister pack looks like(the image is from PokeBeach):

the blister pack below is coming out soon:
I wanna get that more and more, and did anyone get an ex from this?
When will the new blister can be bought?
Thank you.
P.S I wanna buy that because all my cards currently suck.

EDIT: It should be out by now, I just checked.
Exploud Ex said:
did anyone get an ex from this?

you're welcome... :)
about getting ex in the blister pack, it seems that there a lot of good response about the blister pack. Most of them got a pokemon-ex when they buy the blister pack...
I'm getting more and more excited to get one this Saturday. *Suddenly turns crazy and slaps self in face*
Blastoise king said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Blastoise king said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
here's an example of a blister pack..

P.S. I took the image from PokeBeach(page 6)...

these are good i broght 2 and got 3 exs i know it not much
but that add me to 4 exs i got from packs

Which one you bought???
well a Plusle and Minun one

I'm talking about the Blister Pack..
Among those 3 packs, which one did you buy??
does anyone know the exact odds of getting in ex in a blister because i also had heard that the tins were really good and that literally everyone  got an ex from them (besides the promo ) , so i desided to belive eveyone and went to the store to buy one but when i opened the boosters every card in them sucked.

**are the odds of getting pokemon star in blisters also better because i been looking for one for a long time but yet havent came across one.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Blastoise king said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Blastoise king said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
here's an example of a blister pack..

P.S. I took the image from PokeBeach(page 6)...

these are good i broght 2 and got 3 exs i know it not much
but that add me to 4 exs i got from packs

Which one you bought???
well a Plusle and Minun one

I'm talking about the Blister Pack..
Among those 3 packs, which one did you buy??
oh i did buy does i broght the one with Plusle and Minun
as the card that it came with it was 2 i got
one of each
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